
66.3M US TV Viewers are simultaneously using a PC while watching TV.

ver 66 million consumers across demographic categories are using the Internet while camped out on their sofas watching TV, according to market research firm In-Stat.

Weekly Online Radio Audience grows to estimated 42 million Americans in 2009.

The Infinite Dial 2009: Radio’s Digital Platforms, the latest study by Arbitron Inc. and Edison Research, shows continued growth in usage and ownership of various forms of digital audio platforms, including online radio, iPod/MP3 players, and podcasting.

U.S. Hispanic Internet Audience growth outpaces Total U.S. Online Population by 50%.

comScore, Inc. released a report on the U.S. Hispanic Internet market, finding that the Hispanic online population reached a record 20.3 million visitors in February 2009, representing 11 percent of the total U.S. online market. During the past year, the growth of the U.S Hispanic Internet audience outpaced that of the total U.S. online population in terms of number of visitors, time spent and pages consumed, as Hispanic online adoption and engagement accelerated.

Generations Online in 2009.

Over half of the adult internet population is between 18 and 44 years old. But larger percentages of older generations are online now than in the past, and they are doing more activities online, according to surveys taken from 2006-2008.

Younger Boomers consume more Video Media than any other group.

A study conducted on behalf of the Nielsen-funded Council for Research Excellence (CRE) by Ball State University’s Center for Media Design (CMD) and Sequent Partners dispels several popular notions about video media use, finding that younger baby boomers (age 45-54) consume the most video media while confirming that traditional “live” television remains the proverbial “800 pound gorilla” in the video media arena.

Beyond advertising: Choosing a strategic path to the digital consumer.

Today, the distinctions between advertising and marketing have blurred, as new forms of communication combine the ROI-characteristics of direct marketing with the brand characteristics of traditional advertising. With digital consumers increasingly in control of their media experience and advertisers shifting their spend to more interactive, measurable formats, companies must move beyond traditional advertising to combine granularity of targeting and measurement with cross-platform integration. To adapt and succeed – especially in the current economic environment – content owners, media distributors and agencies need to build a new set of capabilities now: cross-platform innovation, greater insights, open collaboration and digital processes.

Has the Internet Made You More Productive?

Most say, “Yes.”

A survey conducted by the University of Southern California Annenberg School found a majority of US users thought the Internet had made them more productive.

The Dwindling Digital Divide.

The “digital divide,” a phrase describing the gulf between Internet “haves” and “have nots,” is still evident, but shrinking.

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