
Home Broadband Adoption in Rural America.

Rural Americans are less likely to log on to the internet at home with high-speed internet connections than people living in other parts of the country. By the end of 2005, 24% of adult rural Americans went online at home with high-speed internet connections compared with 39% of adults in urban and suburban areas.

How To Build An E-mail Program.

Begin with the end in mind. This is always good advice, and particularly applicable when you’re starting an e-mail program from scratch. What would your ideal program deliver? A growing list of opt-ins who welcome your e-mail in their in-box, recommend you to friends and come to your site to learn/browse/register/download and, ultimately, buy.

90% of Internet Users Share Content via Email.

A study by Sharpe Partners, an award-winning interactive marketing agency, revealed that 89% of adult Internet users in America share content with others via email. Sharpe Partners’ study on viral marketing also found that 63 % of the respondents share content at least once a week, with 25% sharing daily or almost daily, and as many as 75% of the respondents forward this content to up to six other recipients.

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