
The Future of Email As It Navigates Security Threats, Compliance Requirements & Market Alternatives.

Although email remains the dominant form of electronic communication, it faces significant challenges from real-time communications, such as instant messaging, and from parasites, including viruses and spam, that threaten the health of the email host. In a newly published study, IDC predicts that nearly 84 billion emails, more than 33 billion of which will be spam messages, will be sent daily worldwide in 2006.

Televisa & Intel To Deliver Premium Content To Hispanic Media Audience.

Intel Corporation and Grupo Televisa, S.A. announced a joint effort to provide consumers, for the first time, with a wide choice of on-demand, Internet-delivered Televisa content through Intel Viiv technology-based PCs.

How Women & Men Use The Internet.

A wide-ranging look at the way American women and men use the internet shows that men continue to pursue many internet activities more intensively than women, and that men are still first out of the blocks in trying the latest technologies.

E-Mail, E-mail Everywhere!

Ten years ago relatively few Americans had an e-mail address. Today very few do not.

In its “Sixth Annual Consumer Email Study,” DoubleClick posits that not only have consumers become increasingly reliant on e-mail, they have become more sophisticated in its use and more comfortable with marketers leveraging data to communicate with them.

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