Tops of 2019: Television [HISPANIC]

As another decade of television becomes part of history, the definition of “TV” has never been so hard to pin down, and that’s something we’ll continue to see in the years ahead. In the chase for eyeballs, however, one thing, and one thing alone, will win the TV audience: good content. And content producers across the video spectrum—traditional broadcast, cable, streaming—have responded by focusing more time, effort and money on the development of what they believe will attract audiences.

Tops of 2019: Radio

Amid the flurry of media headlines about the growing depth of the video streaming market, it’s easy for our other media options to get lost in the fanfare. Yet as the streaming wars heat up, it’s important to be mindful of just how much time consumers are spending with different media options.

Teen Girls: Emerging into Their Own Today to Blaze the Future Tomorrow

Throughout the last 30 years, teen girls have grown up watching adults play high school students in films and on TV. But the tide is turning, and teen girls are seeing a more authentic depiction of themselves on their screens. Indeed, the rise of teen artists like Billie Eilish and Hunter Schafer is challenging traditional norms of what it means to be a teen girl in America. Along those same lines, teen activists such as Greta Thunberg and Emma González are leading social change and inspiring this younger generation to make a difference in the world as activists.

The ‘Digital Paradox’ Facing the Media Industry in 2020

Technology will continue to redefine the media landscape in 2020, creating opportunities and challenges for marketers. As ad spend on social and tech platforms continues to grow; technology innovations will also enable a renaissance in real-world engagement. According to Kantar’s global 2020 Media Trends & Predictions report marketers and media owners will be challenged to develop the skills, engagement models and measurement capabilities to meaningfully engage consumers in the crowded media landscape.

US consumers in 2019 are ready to spend—but wisely

Thanks to a strong labor market, US consumers are feeling good about the economy. Unemployment is at a historical low, wages are rising at their fastest rate since the onset of the recession, and consumption continues to grow at a steady clip.

The Pendulum Swings: The Rise of Mainstream Cultural Efforts, Trans-cultural Proficiency, Multicultural Business Units and Spend

2020 ends the ‘General market era’ glorified by Madison Ave. where my career started, and Minority-Majority is officially an oxymoron. The states driving our economy are already majority-Multicultural, Gen Z will be in 2020, Millennials by 2025, Gen X before 2030, the U.S. by 2040. Over half of all USA HHs today are Multicultural or mixed races, over half of Hispanics under age 29, over half of Blacks grew up as digital natives, and Asians are the most affluent and educated of any racial group with $110K average HH income. The Census will only reinforce the urgency of revisioning these high value super-consumers who will account for $4.2T buying power next year and all future growth, while Non-Hispanic-Whites decline at an accelerated rate as deaths exceed births, putting brands that don’t do proper Multicultural marketing at risk.  By Liz Castells-Heard, CEO & Chief Strategy Officer, INFUSION

The Right Pitch For Your Multicultural Agency Pitch

Hiring an advertising agency is an art. No matter how scientific one is during a search process, there is always a significant degree of subjectivity associated with it. This is especially true when hiring a segment agency, where one may not be a subject matter expert.  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA

Marketing Brief: Insights Into Culture and Authenticity Report 2019 [REPORT]

This year was chockful of defining moments. From ongoing trade disputes with China and political unrest, to legalized marijuana and online privacy concerns. In our final report of the year, 2019 Defining Moments: Insights Into Culture and Authenticity™, we highlight trends in consumer sentiment, purchase behavior, and digital media use, and explore the impact culture has on these trends. We’ve combined these insights into a brief narrative of Total Market consumer behavior over the last twelve months and marketing predictions for 2020.

Generation Alpha: the Most Diverse Generation Yet Impacts Their Behaviors Now & In the Future [REPORT / HISPANICS +++]

In a new report, Generation Alpha – children born after 2010 – identified all people being treated fairly no matter what they look like as one of the top issues they care about in today’s world. In fact, across the board, the report revealed Generation Alpha cares more about all issues than their Millennial and Baby Boomer parents did when they were kids, or even than they do now.

CMOs Have an Identity Crisis—with Their CEOs

The rapid turnover of CMOs today does not mean they are underperforming. Instead, it may stem from unrealistic expectations on the part of CEOs and boards, who often don’t know which key attributes they should be looking for in a marketing leader.

This Year Next Year: U.S. Media Forecasts [REPORT]

U.S. advertising will grow +6.2% in 2019 to $244 billion. This will mark a fourth consecutive year of solid mid-single-digit growth for the industry on an underlying basis. Taking out directories and direct mail makes the health of the industry look even stronger, with a +7.6% underlying growth rate for 2019, although including political advertising in all years brings growth down a few notches to +3.8% all in. However we look at it, growth has been robust relative to the general economy, which is generally decelerating on an underlying basis.

Programmatic adspend to exceed US$100bn for the first time in 2019

In 2020, 69% of all digital media* will trade programmatically, up from 65% this year, according to Zenith’s Programmatic Marketing Forecasts 2019. The total amount spent programmatically will exceed US$100bn for the first time in 2019, reaching US$106bn by the end of the year, and will rise to US$127bn in 2020 and US$147bn in 2021, when 72% of digital media will be programmatic.

“Latinas Powering Forward” [REPORT]

NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises and Comcast NBCUniversalreleased a special report titled “Latinas Powering Forward.” The report is propelled by Unstoppable Women, Telemundo’s company-wide initiative dedicated to championing female achievement and “Know Your Value,” Comcast NBCUniversal’s nationwide female empowerment effort. The findings highlight how Latinas are raising their standing across the United States, having a major impact on every sector, motivated by a ‘no matter what’ work ethic and pride in where they came from.

Why online advertising is like a $273 billion-dollar cult

A recent article on The Correspondent is gaining attention for suggesting that the $273 billion-dollar online advertising industry is the new dot com bubble. The authors are undoubtedly right, much of the money spent on digital is being wasted. But here is the problem, too many advertisers believe their money is well-spent and they do not want to hear otherwise.  by Nigel Hollis

Getting Over Your Fear of Talking About Diversity

While 27 percent of chief diversity officers find themselves still having to make the case for diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace, the good news is that the majority of top leaders already understand how critical these efforts are. Indeed, in my work in talent and diversity at Google, Disney, and other large firms, I’ve found many leaders eager for actionable frameworks and advice to create more inclusive cultures. But again and again I find one thing plaguing their attempts: fear.    By Daisy Auger-Dominguez

Diversity And Inclusion And Multicultural Marketing Are Not The Same

Sometimes when you finish writing an article, you may struggle a bit to find a catchy headline. You look for something that could immediately break through the clutter, maybe something with a sense of humor, sometimes a breaking news approach. However, that’s not the case for this article. Sorry, but this time I went with a direct headline. Why? Because I believe it is crucial to address this topic in a very straightforward manner.  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA

AIMM’s New Metric Reveals Top Performing Ads Among African-American, Hispanic, LGBTQ+; Gauges Purchase Intent

Ford, Walmart and Google share a common accolade as of today: these and others were named among the top quartile of advertisements measured by the breakthrough new ad metric CIIM™ (Cultural Insights Impact Measure), developed by The Association of National Advertisers’ (ANA) Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM) in partnership with NBCUniversal and AIMM member companies.

The Great Latinx Debate [REPORT]

The term “Latinx” is trending and has seen a steady uptick in search over the past two years, peaking in 2019:  It is during this “Latinx apex” that we decided to take a closer look at how popular the term “Latinx” really is among U.S. Hispanics and if it has staying power.

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