What Does Your Brand’s Voice Sound Like?

Video didn’t kill the radio star. Neither have multiple forms of media that have emerged in the last few decades. Perhaps more important, radio has spawned the dramatic and ongoing rise in voice technology that has captured consumers’ imagination and then some.

Demystifying Millennial families in Latam [REPORT]

Never in the history of marketing has so much been said about a generation as millennials. We think we know them – they are super-connected, carefree and selfcentred – and those assumptions have driven our marketing decisions for years.

What is ‘The Cloud’?

The “cloud” is a technology transformation that has been spreading like wildfire throughout the consumer packaged goods (CPG) landscape for a while now—a long while. But like many modern technology advancements, the term “cloud” isn’t self-defining. So before we get into the many benefits of the cloud to your business, let’s define it.

Millennials, Hispanic marketing, and the authenticity trap

In the drive to build cred and radiate authenticity, making sure that your materials are fully bilingual is certainly near the top of every aspiring crossover brand’s checklist. To those on the outside trying to get in, speaking Spanish seems like an indispensable element of effective Hispanic marketing.  by Sarah Liddle is Vice President, Sales, at MRI-Simmons.

Culture-Focused Ads Increase Brand Relevancy and Purchase Intent [REPORT]

Inspired by the rise of brands that are seeking to connect with what’s happening in the real world and weigh in on what their audiences are talking about, the study asks two important questions: How should we define culture from a consumer’s point of view? How do consumers think about culture in relation to the brand they interact with?

CMOs are sparking the wider digital revolution [REPORT]

Forbes Insights recently surveyed over 2,000 companies in the midst of a digital transformation, and found that those in CMO roles are best suited to driving digital revolution within their organizations. When encouragement to innovate and iterate comes from the top, it has a widespread impact on their teams and culture.


Marketing procurement has become an increasingly crucial aspect of the advertising industry. This should be unsurprising given the scale of expenditures involved: for some companies advertising is the largest single budget line-item they manage. As a benchmark of its expanding importance, registration for the ANA’s annual marketing procurement-focused Advertising Financial Management conference more than doubled between 2008 and 2018, rising from 337 to 739 people over that time.  by Brian Wieser, Global President, Business Intelligence, GroupM

Futureproofing Media Client-Agency Partnerships

From a context perspective, client-agency relationships are entering a new cycle with many players on both sides misreading needs, tensions, and responsibilities. By Robert Rakowitz, Global Media Director, Mars Inc.

Getting to Know Your Consumer

When the idea for a consumer packaged goods (CPG) product is born, it’s immediately assessed in terms of the consumer. Will consumers buy it? Will they buy it at a price that makes you a profit? Will they love it? Will consumers love this product so much, they tell their friends about it? Will those consumers buy and love it?

Search and Out-of-Home Growth Boost Ad Market to New Heights

MAGNA just  published  updated  estimates  and  forecasts  on  US  media  owners’  net advertising revenues (NAR). It reveals that advertising sales reached a new all-time high  in  2018,  at  $212  billion.  Advertising  spending  grew  by  almost  +10%  (+9.6% exactly),  driven by the robust economic environment and cyclical ad spend (Winter Olympics, FIFA World Cup, Midterm Elections).  It was the ninth consecutive year of growth   and   the   strongest   growth   of   the   twenty-first   century,   exceeding   the performance of 2016 (+9%). 

2018 Hispanic CMO is available for download – FREE

HispanicAd is proud to announce our 4th edition of Hispanic CMO, the most sought after publication in the US Hispanic Market, is available for viewing and download for FREE.  Curated by Gilbert Dávila / Dávila Multicultural Insight and by veteran journalist Adam Jacobson.  To download this year’s edition CLICK HERE.

Personalized Ads Draw Multicultural Consumers

Once upon a time, TV was the undeniable gold standard for advertisers. No other medium could deliver TV’s reach, effectiveness or creative possibilities. Today, the plethora of media, channels and devices consumers use pose a challenge for advertisers and media planners. Which of these platforms deliver the greatest reach? Which ad formats are most effective? How can brands engage consumers with relevant messaging and creative?  By Adriana Waterston, Horowitz Research

Will Your Customer Relationships Survive Infidelity?

At the outset of 2019, we have unequivocally entered a new era of extreme customer disloyalty. Consumers today are more disloyal than ever before; the once steadfast consumer retail environment primed to grow brand-loyal hearts has shifted to a more capricious climate, where product infidelity is now the norm.

Want an accurate census? Engage Latino business owners

If California wants to achieve an accurate count of all residents during the 2020 census and secure billions of dollars in federal funds, it must engage and activate an invaluable resource sitting at the ready: California’s Latino-owned businesses.  By Jacqueline Martinez Garcel and Julian Canete Special to The Sacramento Bee

Booming internet ads power faster global adspend growth [REPORT]

Stronger-than-expected internet advertising will drive 4.7% growth in total global adspend in 2019, according to Zenith’s Advertising Expenditure Forecasts. That’s substantially ahead of the 4.0% forecast made in the previous edition of the report, published in December 2018. Zenith forecasts 4.6% growth in both 2020 and 2021, ahead of previous forecasts of 4.2% and 4.1% growth respectively.

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