2018 BrandZ Top 100 Global Brands [REPORT]

The report tracks the value of the world’s most valuable brands and provides insights on the potential of strong brands. The total brand value of the 2018 BrandZ Top 100 is $4.4 trillion following a record 21% growth – equating to a rise of nearly $750 billion.

The Evolving Marketer [REPORT]

Five the key themes firmly set on the CMO agenda: revenue generation, customer experience, data, content and processes.

Three Common Causes of Innovation Failure [REPORT]

The failure rate of new products has always been high. However, in recent years, a number of nimble upstarts have emerged as fierce competitors to well-established category leaders. Their success has driven many large manufacturers to question whether their resources, scale and processes are weaknesses that should be discarded in favor of a new “agile” playbook emulating these emerging competitors. However, it’s easy to forget that the most prominent new players represent a very small sample, and there are many others who failed to gain traction along the way. This results in “survivor bias” when assessing the performance of small players; because only the surviving brands are tracked, the average performance of small brands is artificially inflated.

Univision Taps Vincent Sadusky as CEO, Succeeding Randy Falco

According to The Wall Street Journal, Univision Communications Inc. has tapped media veteran Vincent Sadusky as chief executive, succeeding Randy Falco at the troubled Spanish-language broadcaster, according to people familiar with the matter

The Tailwinds for Augmented Reality Advertising Are Too Strong for CMOs to Ignore [REPORT]

The ubiquity of the smartphone and its integrated camera has brought about a new era of consumer behavior. One specific form of camera marketing, the use of augmented reality (AR), is quickly gaining traction according to a new report released by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The report is titled Augmented Reality: Is the Camera the Next Big Thing in Advertising?

Marketing Talent: In-Demand Jobs and Salary Trends

There is a wide range of skills and salaries represented in the marketing industry, and a marketer’s career path can take many forms. This makes staffing a marketing team with the right players and laying the right stepping stones for your own career a challenge. To make the right decisions, it is essential to stay on top of industry trends.

Univision Is A Fucking Mess

The industry is a blaze just before Upfront Week, Gizmodo’s Special Project Desk writers Kate Conger, David Uberti, and Laura Wagner wrote this article about their parent company Univision, it’s worth a read.  In two words, OUCH & WOW!  Give us your thoughts. 

GroupM Introduces State of Digital [REPORT]

GroupM released a new report, “State of Digital,” offering intelligence on consumer media consumption and advertising investment trends worldwide. Among a series of publications by GroupM prognosticating media marketplace futures the world over, the new report focuses on the impact of technology and digital capabilities on consumers and advertisers.

Creativity wins effectiveness contest once again

Back in January, Edward Kim Vice President, Strategy, Nielsen Catalina Solutions, presented “Five Keys to Advertising Effectiveness”. The presentation reported on the findings of over 500 studies of CPG brands conducted during 2016-2017 that sought to understand the sales contribution of five key drivers of effective advertising, including a comparison of TV versus digital.  by Nigel Hollis

The American Audio Landscape [REPORT]

Each week, more Americans tune to AM/FM radio than any other platform. What’s more, according to Nielsen’s second-quarter 2017 Comparable Metrics Report, 93% of U.S. adults 18 and older listen to radio every week—more than those watching television or using a smartphone, TV-connected device, tablet or PC.

Advertisers Love Influencer Marketing

National advertisers are so enamored with influencer marketing that a full 75 percent of their companies currently employ the discipline and almost half (43 percent) are planning to increase their spending on it in the next 12 months.

Global advertising confidence rising rapidly, 4.6% growth forecast for 2018 [REPORT]

Amid growing industry speculation about cuts to digital advertising budgets, Zenith has found no evidence that advertisers as a whole are shifting budgets away from online advertising – in fact, its share of global advertising expenditure continues to rise rapidly. Zenith forecasts that advertisers will spend 40.2% of their budgets on online advertising this year, up from 37.6% in 2017.

Confused About the Advertising Industry? Who Isn’t? Read On!

Holding company shares are falling.  Their ad agencies are shrinking, with low morale, low salaries and hiring freezes.  Accenture and Deloitte are the new, growing competitors.  Advertisers are cutting spend but investing in-house.  Chief Creative Officers are disappearing, not entirely due to sexual harassment charges.  Confused by some or all of this?  Read on!

Influencer Marketing 2018 [REPORT]

Strong headwinds are certainly ahead for influencer marketers. For one, it’s looking like this will be the year that the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will become more heavily involved. eMarketer has put together this selection of articles, insights and interviews so you can understand what will be critical to influencer marketing in the coming months to be prepared—and to avoid the risks.

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