Is Multicultural Marketing Dead? Hardly!!

An article this month in the Financial Times, “Advertisers Pull Back from Targeting U.S. Latinos,” quotes Linda Lane Gonzalez, President of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA), as saying: “a growing number of companies in the US are shying away from marketing efforts aimed at Latino consumers for fear of offending “racist” supporters of President Donald Trump.  By David Morse / President and CEO of New American Dimensions


It’s happening and there is no turning back.  Face it folks, short of a massive and prolonged vow of chastity by millions of hyphenated Americans, the move to a majority multicultural society will happen in 2042, if not sooner.  No walls, extreme vetting or English-only requirements can slow down the inevitability of this fact, and it is indeed an empirical fact. The good news is, that it is all good news.  By Pedro de Córdoba- Senior Director / Burson Latino

Programmatic Non-Disclosed Buys — Buyer Beware

For years, agencies worked as “agents” when buying media for their clients. As agents, agencies looked out for the best interests of their clients and negotiated the best media rates. Today, many agencies are acting as “principals” rather than agents. In a principal relationship the agency may or may not be looking out for the best interests of their clients; and it’s possible (even likely) that the agency is putting its own interests ahead of the client. Hence the line we have heard from ANA members — “Is my agency working for me or itself?”   By Bill Duggan, Group EVP, ANA

Data can’t write your ad – yet [INSIGHT]

I’m kinda tired of hearing everyone talk about how data is going to save our industry. I’m tired of everyone measuring creative effectiveness against KPIs for which they are ill suited. I’m tired of watching all of the good ideas turn into splinters of their former selves in service of their data-driven masters. And mostly, I’m tired of the bad work that often springs from so-called “data-driven advertising.”

Are Advertisers “Bad Hombres” for Their Ad Agencies?

Ad agencies have had a tough time for the past decade. Reduced retainers. Disappearing AOR relationships, as clients expanded their portfolios of agencies. Inflating Scopes of Work, straining the capabilities of agencies’ downsized and juniorized staffs.  By Michael Farmer – Madison Avenue Manslaughter

The Evolution of Public Relations

The role of public relations is evolving. The ANA partnered with the USC Center for Public Relations at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism to understand current client-side marketer perceptions of public relations.  By Bill Duggan, Group EVP, ANA

The 2017 Influencer Marketer Report [REPORT]

Influencer marketing has never been more important.  With 25% of internet users employing some form of ad  blocking, and consumers  continuing to trust word of mouth over all other forms of marketing, brands are increasingly  turning to influencers to help get their message across with more passion, creativity and authenticity. 

Key findings about U.S. immigrants

Pew Research Center regularly publishes statistical portraits of the nation’s foreign-born population, which include historical trends since 1960. Based on these portraits, here are answers to some key questions about the U.S. immigrant population.

Critical Juncture on Compelled Disclosures

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last month rendered a very important decision. This decision threatens to allow states and localities far more leeway to impose government mandated disclosures in advertising with potentially extremely adverse impacts.

US Adults Now Spend 12 Hours 7 Minutes a Day Consuming Media

In an annual contest at Coney Island, participants vie to see who can eat the most hot dogs in 10 minutes. It has seemed in recent years that US adults bring a similar spirit to their consumption of media, cramming as much as possible into an average day.

Programmatic needs to live up to its promise [INSIGHT & REPORT]

The promise of cost efficient, real-time targeting means that programmatic advertising has taken the digital ad industry by storm. Magna Global predicts the market for global programmatic will double between now and 2019. However, the evidence suggests that programmatic still has a long way to go before it delivers on its promise.  by Nigel Hollis

55 % Drop in Consumers Who Prefer to Watch TV Shows on TV Sets [REPORT]

Signaling an accelerating shift in the digital video market consumer behavior, the percentage of consumers who prefer watching TV shows on television sets plummeted by 55 percent over the past year, from 52 percent to 23 percent, according to findings from the Accenture 2017 Digital Consumer Survey.

Cinco Mega Topics

As we near the most “archetypical” of Hispanic holidays, Cinco de Mayo, instead of getting into an exhausting explanation of why (or why not) the day is important, below are my “cinco” mega topics to keep in mind when activating Hispanic marketing.  by Roberto Siewczynski

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