Latinum: U.S. Multicultural Consumer Marketing Strategies [eBOOK]

Over the past decade, U.S. Multicultural consumers drove over 100% of total economic expenditure growth, and now comprise ~50% of the Millennial and youth populations. If these are priority segments, you will find our new eBook very useful. It helps marketers evolve their strategies to succeed in an increasingly Multicultural marketplace.

The Math, the Magic and the Customer [REPORT]

Forget Mad Men. Today’s marketers are more likely to be math men and women. They plumb the depths of Big Data with advanced analytical tools. They buy and use dazzling new software—some spend more on technology in a given year than their companies’ IT departments. They are hot on the trail of marketing’s holy grail, the ability to measure return on investment (ROI) on every campaign.

Marketing Spend on Brand Activation will top $595 Billion in 2016

Spending on brand activation marketing in the U.S. rose 5.5 percent in 2015 to more than $560 billion, accounting for almost 60 percent of advertisers’ budgets, according to a new study by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) in partnership with PQ Media. This year, brand activation is expected to grow 6 percent, to nearly $600 billion.

How Advertising Works Today

The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) announced the findings from its How Advertising Works research, based on over 5000 campaigns, 12 years of data, and $375B in advertising spend in 41 countries across over 100 categories.  

Marketing that connects

Fast-moving digital technology has driven almost continuous change in attitudes, behavior and habits, and this has been hugely disruptive for marketing. However the technologies that set the parameters for connected consumer behavior are no longer new.

2016 U.S. Cross-Platform Future in Focus [REPORT]

The report provides a retrospective view of the major shifts in cross-platform consumer behavior occurring in sectors such as TV, digital media, mobile, social media, advertising, search and e-commerce, with an eye toward what these trends mean for the year ahead.

Hispanic Media Spending Down 6.6% in 2015; Up 7.9% in 2016 [REPORT]

Marketers invested $5.7 billion in Hispanic media in 2015, down 6.6% from 2014 according to the new Jack Myers TomorrowToday Hispanic Media 2016 Data and Long-Term Forecast.  The MyersBizNet Hispanic media report projects marketers will increase spending 7.9% in 2016, with average annual growth of 1.3% through 2020.

ARF reveals new findings on how advertising works [INSIGHT]

Over the past year, the Advertising Research Foundation and its industry partners have conducted an investigation of how advertising works today, combining meta-analysis and projects designed to investigate specific aspects of the topic. Today we got to hear the results of analysis focused on the effectiveness of multi-channel campaigns.

ROI Remains a Tough Metric for CMOs [REPORT]

The “2016 Planning Report – Evolving Strategic and Financial Plans for the Always-On Consumer” illustrates a surprising drop in accountability for marketing budgets. When marketers were asked to what degree their budgets must produce measurable ROI, only one in ten said 75 percent or more of their budget is accountable.

Value of a Digital Ad [REPORT]

The report discusses the challenge of using traditional reach and frequency measures in advertising campaigns, and how the application of validated impressions can provide a richer, more accurate view of these measures to drive advertising effectiveness.

Marketers need to get their hands dirty [INSIGHT]

CMOs traditionally have focused on the big picture. They understand powerful consumer insights and seek to harness their agency partners to turn them into effective communications. There’s expectation and trust in this process. They sign off on the purchase of a box of 20 pralines but all too often what they get are three coffee creams.

Hispanic Marketing Success Starts With Corporate Leadership [INSIGHT]

Every time I speak with someone about Hispanic marketing, it is clear there is a huge disconnect between understanding the importance of reaching Hispanics and actually doing so. Marketers see the huge potential of this consumer group, so where is the disconnect?  By Holly Pavlika, SVP of strategy, Collective Bias

Chief Marketing Officer average tenure drops to 44 Months

The average tenure for chief marketing officers of leading U.S. consumer brand companies dropped from 48 months to 44 months, according to the 12th annual CMO tenure study by executive search consulting firm Spencer Stuart. This represents the first decline of average tenure in 10 years (since 2006).

Creating More Agile Operating Models In Consumer Goods [INSIGHT]

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies often operate on long held implicit orthodoxies—certain “truths” that dictate how they approach consumers, and how they make decisions. Now, in an increasingly volatile age, there are a number of new truths.

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