How Do You Measure Reputation?

In a climate in which true product differentiation is difficult, the regulatory landscape challenging, global partner ecosystems vulnerable, and the pressure to hire high-potential talent intense, a company’s reputation is increasingly recognized as a business asset central to maintaining and increasing business value.  By Wendy Salomon, VP, Reputation Management

Five Marketing Blind Spots [INSIGHT]

Disruptive forces are changing the business landscape in the forms of complexity, content demands, and customer expectations, challenging marketing organizations to undergo significant transformations rather than incremental change. And while marketing leaders have a good idea of where they need to go, they don’t have a clear vision of how to get there, according to a new survey by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers): “Marketing’s Moment: Leading the Disruption.”

How Come So Many Marketers Have Mobile-First Strategies, But So Few Are Hispanic-First?

Protecting the “general market” bundle. If you make Hispanic marketing central, you need to break up the general market bundle. That forces companies to reevaluate everything they do. It’s much easier to operate on an assumption that Hispanic populations are all “acculturating” and are (or will) be consuming the same media as the general market, so there’s no need to treat them separately.

SHIFTING STRATEGY IN 2015: A Closer Look At U.S. Hispanic Market Power [INSIGHT & WHITE PAPER]

Alma’s Isaac Mizrahi considers focusing on purchase-ready target to increase marketing efficiencies

As Q4 begins, marketing executives are likely to be combing through their budgets and strategies to increase growth for the upcoming year. As Managing Director of Alma, the Multicultural agency leading the growing field of U.S. Hispanic market research, Isaac Mizrahi presents “Shifting Strategy in 2015: A closer look at U.S. Hispanic market power”.

Innovation that Excites: How Nissan’s Customers Drive Development

“Innovation that excites.” You hear it in our commercials, you see it in our ads and it sits at the top of It’s even posted in every Nissan office building and manufacturing facility around the world. To consumers, it’s a tagline that calls attention to our vehicles’ “cool factor.” But for us, it’s a reminder of our commitment to focus the customer in everything that we do.  by Fred Diaz, Senior Vice President, Nissan Sales & Marketing and Operations, U.S.

Global Ad Spend +5% in 2014 and 2015

Carat published its updated forecasts for worldwide advertising expenditure in 2014 and 2015, with market optimism demonstrated through strong global and regional forecasts.

AHAA leads Marketing Coalition in Defining Total Market

Multicultural populations are driving 84 percent of the population growth, fueling 81 percent of U.S. job growth and accounting for 43 percent of buying power in top 10 markets – with statistics like these, marketing practices are evolving and, until now, have been lumped into the umbrella term “Total Market.[1]” For the last year, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, in collaboration with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), and the Asian American Advertising Federation (3AF) assembled a broad coalition of clients, agencies and associations to define an integrated strategy for driving growth.

Why Big Marketing Data Does Not Help Marketing

One thing is clear: My law on big marketing data still stands as much today as when I first published it in March of 2013. It reads: “As the amount of marketing data increases, the marketer’s understanding of all available data decreases at an equal rate.”

Exploring the Business Impact of Marketing Silos [REPORT]

Teradata Corp. and Forbes Insights released a new research study for CMOs and other senior marketing decision makers worldwide titled, “Breaking Down Marketing Silos: The Key to Consistently Achieving Customer Satisfaction and Improving Your Bottom Line.”

The changing face of marketing [INSIGHT]

Change is the dominant fact of life in every business today. And the ability to master and exploit change has become one of the most sought-after management skills. This is particularly true in marketing, where the very tempo of change is constantly quickening.


The Bilingual Brain [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Hispanics and Millennials are two of the fastest growing and increasingly important consumer groups in the U.S. So it’s no surprise that marketers are eager to understand how to connect with these populations. But to engage with those who fall in both groups, Hispanic Millennials, it is imperative to understand the impact of language in order to optimize messaging for this demographic that increasingly identifies as bilingual.

9 Public Relations and Marketing Myths

The study exposes the changes in both marketing and PR professionals’ worlds. In PR, it reveals a move towards digital and social media. In marketing, a struggle to grasp digital media technologies emerging in their space. Along with these notable shifts, it also shines light onto common myths upheld within the industries.

Pharmaceutical Trend Report [REPORT]

Meredith Hispanic Media (MHM), publisher of Siempre Mujer and Ser Padres magazines, released findings from its Pharmaceutical Trend Report detailing the healthcare spending habits and attitudes of the modern Latina.

Digitizing the consumer decision journey [INSIGHT]

Many of the executives we speak with in banking, retail, and other sectors are still struggling to devise the perfect cross-channel experiences for their customers—experiences that take advantage of digitization to provide customers with targeted, just-in-time product or service information in an effective and seamless way.

Tomorrow’s CMO: Chief Magic or Logic Officer? [REPORT]

Digital has become a key driver of business decisions across industries, with a significant number of those choices falling under the marketing function. Digital and its possibilities continue to impact the role of the CMO, but is there a danger that by placing so much emphasis on analytical skills, marketing leaders may be overlooking other vital skills? What skills will the CMO of the not-so-distant future need to be successful? To help answer these questions, Spencer Stuart surveyed more than 160 senior marketing leaders in advance of our annual CMO Summit, spanning the consumer, financial services, technology, life sciences, industrial, media and advertising, and nonprofit sectors.  By Arthur S. Brown, Grant Duncan, Thomas Seclow, Greg Welch

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