2014 Predictions for Chief Marketing Officers

International Data Corporation (IDC) hosted a web conference “IDC Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 2014 Predictions: The Emergence of the Chief ‘Something-or-Other’” highlighting the top 10 market predictions for the year ahead.

Why can’t we be friends? Five steps to better relations between CFOs and CMOs

Marketing is in the midst of a performance revolution. The application of advanced analytics and plentiful data has allowed chief marketing officers (CMOs) to demonstrate the return on investment from marketing activities with a degree of precision that’s never been possible before. With companies spending as much as 10 percent of their annual budgets on marketing, depending on the industry—a whopping $1 trillion globally—this rapidly developing ability to put hard numbers against marketing performance is music to the ears of both CMOs and CFOs.

Cultural Marketing, Total Market, How and Why?

This has been the year of the debate over the “Total Market” approach.  The idea is to find a common denominator that different cultural groups can all relate to.  That makes some sense at first glance. After all, most people love their children, enjoy being free, enjoy food and other good things of life.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

What Is The CMO’s Role?

There are lots of CMOs in the world, and some do more than others.  In the past, I’ve said you should never trust a CMO who won’t go out and sell, but it’s more than that.  To truly understand what makes a great CMO, you have to understand more about the role they play in your organization  — a role that will be changing over the next few years.

Changing Patterns of Global Migration and Remittances [REPORT]

Patterns of global migration and remittances have shifted in recent decades, even as both the number of immigrants and the amount of money they send home have grown, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of data from the United Nations and the World Bank.

Are US Hispanic Ad Agencies ready for another beating in 2014?

Just read the article by Pepper MIller – President of ther Hunter-Miller Group titled “’Total Market’ Gets Lots of Buzz, but Multicultural Agencies Will Suffer Badly” regarding her warning of the demise of Ethnic agencies and the lack of ROI for our Industry.

We at HispanicAd.com encourage the many points of view regarding Total Market, Hispanic ONLY and Multicultural approaches to reaching consumers to appear on our publication for our readers to be exposed to all trends, regardless of our opinions on the subject.

Pero …………..

Why it’s Critical we get the Definition of Native Advertising right

All the noise surrounding native advertising complicates a very simple concept.  Have no fear, publishers and brand marketers, native advertising is easy to understand — and execute at scale — with the right technology.  Native is a great way to invigorate digital advertising, and it’s not the least bit confusing.

IAB MIXX Awards Insights Report [INSIGHT]

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) releases “The 2013 IAB MIXX Awards Insights Report,” that for the first time takes a revealing deep dive into a curated collection of select winning campaigns, providing analyses on what works and why through the eyes of top digital marketing leaders. Insights on emerging trends and expert commentary on each piece of work are woven together with campaign case studies as well as video interviews.

Age and Sex Table Packages and Race and Hispanic Origin Table Packages: 2012

Age and Sex Table Packages and Race and Hispanic Origin Table Packages: 2012 — These table packages are from the Current Population Survey and include detailed statistics about five-year age groups by sex, the older population (55 and older), and the Hispanic, black and Asian populations. The tables provide a wide range of social and economic characteristics, such as marital status, educational attainment, nativity, employment status, occupation and poverty. These tables are also available for previous years and are only available at the national level and should not be confused with similar American Community Survey statistics.

Key Trends for 2014: New Demands Accelerate Marketing

The rapid emergence of the everywhere, always-connected consumer places new demands on marketers, according to a new eMarketer report, “Key Digital Trends for 2014.” Specifically, it raises expectations about the speed with which marketers need to respond to expressions of interest across the customer journey, from the consideration phase all the way through to post-sales service. Gone are the days of 24- or 48-hour response times. Consumers expect instant interactions, whether it is a relevant offer or an answer to a customer service query, and the ability for same-day delivery of items purchased through digital channels.

2014 Ad Spend forecast to 4.6% Growth

Economic gridlock in the U.S. and a persistent financial crisis in the Eurozone have led GroupM to revise its worldwide advertising spending forecast for 2014 downward to 4.6 percent from the 5.1 percent hike predicted earlier this year.

Mobile to drive growth in global ad spend over the next three years

Advertising is set to see the strongest sustained period of growth in ten years, with global ad spend growth forecast to rise from 3.6% in 2013 to 5.3% in 2014. Growth is then set to increase to 5.8% in 2015 and 2016. The principle engine of this growth will be mobile technology, which is expanding the space for media consumption.

The Collaborative Economy: 2014 Hot Topic And Trend [INSIGHT]

The Collaborative Economy is associated with sharing resources to reduce waste, but its primary focus is on the economics of collaboration and the efficiencies of networks. The Collaborative Economy seeks to harness crowds, collectives, communities and co-ops to co-create, co-ideate, co-design, co-fund, co-own, co-build, co-distribute, co-market, co-sell, co-profit and co-prosper. 

Native Advertising Playbook [REPORT]

Native has become a hot topic in the advertising marketplace, but for the practice to flourish further, it needs consensus on definitions and structure. In response, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and its Native Advertising Task Force has released the “IAB Native Advertising Playbook” to serve as a consistent framework for the discussion surrounding native advertising, identifying it as both an aspiration to seamlessly integrate brand messaging into consumers’ content experiences, as well as a practical suite of ad products that successfully meet that objective.

Does Marketing Work?

We are a nation of consumers.  In fact, we’re an entire world full of consumers.  We operate a global economy, which thrives on the simple fact that people either need or want to buy stuff.  Some of the stuff you buy is necessary, while most of it isn’t, but at the end of the day the world seems to revolve around consumerism (for better or worse).

Top Trends for Healthcare & Wellness Marketers In 2014 [INSIGHT]

To say it has be an interesting past few months for the healthcare and wellness industry would be the understatement of the year. The consumer health and wellness space is evolving and shifting at a rate and level never seen before. Of course, the rollout of the Affordable Care Act is a big reason why. But, perhaps more importantly, it is the part technology is playing. The consumerization of technology has propelled massive changes that have created a newly empowered consumer more involved and in charge. And it’s causing major disruptions with how to target, reach and engage with these empowered consumers to gain their loyalty, trust and business.

Six Essential Practices of Highly Effective Marketing Organizations

To improve planning, enhance performance and optimize spend, the most effective marketing organizations inject data and analytics into every phase of their marketing process. Here are six essential practices that best-in-class marketing organizations employ to become more data-driven — and, in turn, make better, more profitable decisions.

If You’re Not an Agile Marketer, You’re a Dead Marketer

What will make you successful in 2014 and beyond? Presuming digital continues to pervade — which it will — the environment will favor marketers who are not only smart and deliberate, but can adapt and pursue serendipitous shifts and opportunities.

Success will depend evermore on agility.

Here are key areas where you should put your organization to the “agility torture test”:

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