Everybody Loves Biculturals

  It seems whenever the conversation turns to the Hispanic market, everybody focuses on biculturals. Whether its veteran Hispanic marketers or newbie brands looking to increase their investment in the Hispanic market, everybody asks about bicultural Hispanics.

The 2013 Social Rich Media [REPORT]

Facebook has emerged as a cost-effective channel for driving both brand and direct response objectives but most marketers are still trying to find the magic recipe for getting the most out of their spend here.

Men And Emotion: What Do We Know? [INSIGHT]

There has been much discussion of emotions in advertising. The advertising and market research industries have come a long way in gaining a better, more scientific, and more measurable understanding of emotion. Neuroscience has been instrumental to this effort. There is now a basic understanding that asking people to describe their emotions and how they feel about an ad or a brand may yield a scatter plot of results that provide no direction to the brand. Still, it’s critical to talk to your consumer, to hear their voice.

The Not-So-United States of Technology. [INSIGHT]

Just as many fear social media and email are negatively impacting how we communicate with one another today, many new developments throughout history have been met with fear of the changes they would bring.

The History of Mobile Technology in Business. [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ten years ago, the smartphone was in infancy, tablet computers as they are today did not exist, and most business was conducted in person or in ways that seem tedious today. The access to business information and applications through mobile devices has grown exponentially, and there is no sign that this will stop. Apple’s iPhone and iPad running iOS and smartphones running Google Android are dominating the mobile business market, due to their flexibility and ease-of-use.

Blogging Stats 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

It can be hard to find a glut of blogging stats all wrapped up in one place, so I was pleasantly surprised to find this infographic. It had a lot of data and statistics regarding blogging, and while a lot of it is US-centric, it does offer up some tasty nuggets.

Home Broadband 2013. [REPORT]

Some 70% of American adults ages 18 and older have a high-speed broadband connection at home as of May 2013, according to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

AHAA Reveals Results of Generational Segment and Cultural Orientation Study Commissioned by AARP

“To know thy own target audience” could be the mantra of today’s successful marketing campaigns. Hispanic Millennials, GenXers and Boomer generational segments have unique consumer buying patterns. How they view the marketplace is influenced by a combination of macro-trends of their respective generations, by their lifestage priorities, and by their cultural orientation. This AHAA study, in collaboration with AARP, Targeting the Best Hispanic Consumer: A Generational and Cultural Orientation Study, dives into the differences in buying behavior of these segments as well as how they compare to their general market counterparts. In doing so, this study identifies business building opportunities for marketers.

Upscale Latino Segment wields nearly HALF of Hispanic Buying Power

As part of its Thought Leadership strategy to provide in-depth understanding of the diversity of the Hispanic market, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing explores the Upscale Latino segment as part of its research series released during the AHAA 2013 Conference. The study revealed that this viable and sophisticated market boasts 40 percent of Hispanic Spending Power, lives in a world of cultural duality, and provides lifetime value and upside opportunities for many high-end and luxury brands. The most influential segment since the baby boomers, Upscale Hispanics will drive shifts in category consideration, purchasing behavior and brand relationship.

Latino Populations are Growing Fastest – Where We Aren’t Looking

The Latino population in the U.S. is growing—and in places many people might not be looking. While historically Hispanic-designated market areas (DMAs) like Miami and New York still have the largest shares of the Latino population, new research from Nielsen highlights how the pace of growth is soaring in a range of areas outside of … Read more

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