Advertising Industry Launches New Initiative To Expand & Standardize Privacy Protections Through Responsible Online Advertising Practices And Enhanced Advocacy

Leaders of the U.S. advertising industry launched a new initiative to boost privacy protections and choices for consumers through evolved and enhanced industry data privacy principles for responsible online advertising practices and to renew their commitment to enacting preemptive, federal privacy legislation. The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and 4A’s are creating the Responsible Privacy … Read more

GenAI figures in most brands’ marketing plans

A new survey conducted by WFA finds that three in four companies already use GenAI or plan to use it soon. Optimism about its potential is matched by concern about the risks to brand reputation. Eight in ten have developed or are developing internal policies on use of GenAI. The immediate internal gains from using … Read more

Horacio Gavilan named “ICON” by AD Club of New York for Hispanic Heritage Month

“Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin Horacio Gavilan is a non-profit strategist and executive with more than 30 years of experience in association management. He is currently the Executive Director of the Hispanic Marketing Council (formerly Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies), the only national trade association representing the U.S. Hispanic market ecosystem. … Read more

Spanish-Language TV Ad Impressions Up 27% YoY in 1H 2023 [REPORT] UPDATED

As brands put a greater emphasis on Hispanic consumers, Spanish-language TV ad impressions are climbing as well. iSpot’s new report around Spanish-language TV advertising shows which brands are increasing Spanish-language ad focus YoY, key industries, daypart adjustments, top programs and more. Here are some of the highlights: Spanish-Language Ad Surge: In the first half of … Read more

Can Ad Buyers Trust the Numbers They’re Given?

By Robert Gibbs Ad buyers — large or small — rarely have the time to do in-depth audits on the numbers they’re given. Whether you’re spending $50,000 per year on advertising or $5 million — how many resources can you spare to ensure that your ads are running in the best places — let alone … Read more

How Latinas Are Reshaping the Beauty Market Through Brand Trust

by Santiago Solutions Group Latinas are shaking up the makeup industry with an eye-brow-raising increase in demand for beauty products that are outpacing non-Latina spending in the category. For those who are Latinas, this might not come as a shock since one of the many pillars of Latina identity is connected to cultural pride around … Read more

Connected Consumer 2023 [REPORT]

The 2023 Connected consumer survey explores device usage as a gateway to meaningful connections, better health, safer homes, and valued virtual experiences. This year, consumer concerns around digital fatigue, well-being, and data privacy and security persist, while the “just right” balance between virtual and physical worlds remains elusive. Tech companies that help consumers find that … Read more

The Art of Emotion: Turning Trackable Data into Customer Connection

By Inspira Marketing Customer data is the heart of marketing, and probably always will be. Demographics, consumer profiles, buying trends, regional preferences, and past performance are all part of this the stew (and it’s invaluable to marketers). But without hard data on how customers feel about our ads and our experiences, we’re only getting half … Read more

2023 Latino Board Monitor Reports Progress in Latino Representation on Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 Company Boards [REPORT]

The Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA) announces the release of its latest report, the 2023 Latino Board Monitor, revealing an increase of Latino board representation by 1% on Fortune 500 boards and 0.8% on Fortune 1000 boards—a notable achievement, and one of the most significant increases since 2020. Still concerning, by 2060, Latinos are expected … Read more

2023 U.S. Latinos in Journalism [REPORT]

The 2023 LDC-NAHJ U.S. Latinos in Journalism Report focuses on U S Latino representation in the American English-language journalism industry The report aims to raise awareness, promote the inclusion of Latino journalists and executives, and drive industry growth The report reveals alarming gaps in U S Latino representation in broadcast news, cable news, print newspapers, … Read more

Agency Creativity Is Essential for Best Client Outcomes

By Shannon Robichaud Consultant Michael Farmer caused a bit of a stir recently in an industry Q&A. Farmer recently documented the transformation of Huge by CEO Mat Baxter in a book entitled Madison Avenue Makeover. On the heels of this, in a Q&A published by Contagious, he echoes themes from his book that takes the … Read more

Spanglish and Code-Switching: Impacts on Hispanic Marketing and Culture

By Derrick Raphael Pacheco – Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communications ( ADV 5415: Hispanic Marketing Communications/ Dr. Sindy Chapa ) Throughout history, we have had many ways to identify and define cultures and civilizations. We as human beings have been fascinated with studying ourselves, both … Read more

Hispanics On Track to Reach $113T in Collective Wealth by 2050 [REPORT]

Finhabits, a financial technology platform that more than 680,000 U.S. Hispanics use to invest and access financial education, has released a new report on Hispanics’ growing wealth and investing behaviors. The report, “Power in Numbers: The $113 Trillion Unseen Hispanic Wealth Opportunity,” offers an in-depth look at the impact of the country’s fastest-growing demographic on … Read more

The Future of Journalism [REPORT]

Despite the challenges journalism is facing — AI, misinformation, even the business models on which it was built — the next generation of journalists are bringing a commitment to truth, justice and integrity to their work. We surveyed new journalists to find out what they think about the future of journalism and how they might … Read more

2023 LDC U.S. Latinos In Media [REPORT]

The Latino Donor Collaborative has been tracking U.S. Latino representation in shows and films since beginning this longitudinal report in 2018. This benchmark provides an opportu nity for media platforms to grow, assess their strategies, and fill their companies’ gaps in Latino representation. Unfortunately, this report confirms there has been no significant increase in U.S. … Read more

Eight Hispanic Groups Each Had a Million or More Population in 2020

By: Jessica E. Peña, Ricardo Henrique Lowe Jr., Merarys Ríos-Vargas Eight Hispanic groups reached a population of a million or more in the United States in 2020, including the Colombian and Honduran populations that reached that milestone for the first time in census history, according to newly released detailed 2020 Census data. While the Mexican … Read more

Understanding Counts of Afro-Latino Responses in the 2020 Census [REPORT]

By: Jessica E. Peña, Ricardo Henrique Lowe, Jr. and Merarys Ríos-Vargas For the first time, the decennial census in 2020 prompted all respondents to provide detailed race and ethnicity responses. We also made improvements to question design, coding and processing, following extensive research and feedback from stakeholders and subject matter experts on detailed race and … Read more


Last year’s LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report reflected a U.S. Latino economy valued at $2.8 trillion in GDP. This year’s report shows the U.S. Latino economy has continued its remarkable growth and is now a $3.2 trillion economy. It is, in fact, growing two and a half times faster than the non-Latino equivalent. To download … Read more

Many Reggaeton artists sued for rhythm copyright infringement

  Jamaican reggae producers Steely & Clevie claim that many artists and labels infringed on their copyrights on a rhythm in their song “Fish Market” According to CNN, “The foundational drum beats come from Jamaican dancehall duo Steely & Clevie, composed of Wycliffe Johnson and Cleveland Browne, who co-wrote “Fish Market” in 1989. The heavily … Read more

When Actual Practice Deviates from Contract Terms

By Cliff Campeau Virtually all advertisers have formal contracts in place with their advertising agency partners. Most of these organizations have reviewed industry association contract templates and engaged outside legal counsel to review and customize agreement terms and conditions to satisfy their expectations. To read more, CLICK HERE. Courtesy of Association of National Advertisers  

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