Why CMO tenure is at its lowest point in the past decade [REPORT]

CMO tenure is the lowest it has been in over 10 years, and while new data suggests that 86% of CEOs believe CMOs have the power to influence key decisions of the C-suite, less than a third actually trust their CMOs to grow the business. Access insights from more than 150 Fortune 3000 CEOs across … Read more

Estrella Media & TV Azteca announce content partnership

Estrella Media and TV Azteca are entering into a landmark content and programming partnership for the U.S. and Mexico. The companies will partner on the creation of over 600 hours of original programming for both the U.S. and Mexico, as well as the production of existing series and the licensing of library content to air … Read more

Isaac Mizrahi named CEO of ALMA

Modern culture agency alma has named Isaac Mizrahi as the agency’s Co-President and Chief Executive Officer. Previously serving as COO, Mizrahi will continue to lead the agency’s overall growth, building on its recent success and new business wins, including 18 new partners which have been added in the last 18 months. Alongside Mizrahi, Co-President and … Read more

Marketing Report: Era of Alignment [REPORT]

Despite the difficulty of the past two years, brands continue to re-balance their marketing efforts after widespread pullbacks in 2020, especially with respect to traditional mass reach channels like TV and radio. As they rebalance, agility remains critical. Consumer behavior isn’t just in flux—it has changed. Data remains a marketer’s guiding light. But that data–which … Read more


With the 2022 Upfronts taking place in a few weeks, engaging the multicultural American mainstream and diversifying content has never been more critical. During its 2022 Annual Summit, the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) has gathered the CEOs and CMOs of major holding companies, brands and streaming platforms for a series of Pre-Upfront sessions beginning April … Read more

How Do We Empower Latina Women at the Workplace?

By Camille Villafañe I’ve been reflecting about the role Latina women have played in both my personal and professional development. Growing up in Puerto Rico, I was surrounded by fierce, passionate and unapologetic women. My grandmother, who is the matriarch of the family, raised three daughters alone during the ’70s, when it was uncommon for … Read more

How To Build A Powerful Agency During Tough Times

By Roberto Orci What’s Going On? Workplace dynamics have shifted dramatically since COVID. We have fewer face-to-face interactions and more of us are working from home. Employees are reassessing their personal situations which has resulted in decreased loyalty with firms struggling to retain staff. This is especially true for advertising agencies. A common complaint from … Read more

Hispanic American Wealth Surges in Record Time

Hispanics are capturing a piece of the American dream as a record number of Latinos move into the middle class. It is estimated that by 2030, the number of Hispanics in the United States will increase from 18% to 30%. As the population has grown, the poverty rate among Latinos has dropped to the lowest … Read more

What Your Agency Needs To Know About Opportunities In The Metaverse

by Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership Most people still have only a vague idea of what the metaverse is — and this shallow understanding only seems to feed the sense of urgency and fear of missing out on opportunities in the metaverse. “…in just a few months, the metaverse has gone from a term … Read more

The Changing Face of Media Consumption [REPORT]

In the modern digital world, on average US adults spend 8 hours a day with digital media – more than they do sleeping. Increasingly, marketers need to understand a new, omnichannel consumer and reach people in the many places they engage — including booming channels like streaming TV, ecommerce and more. Challenges linked to targeting … Read more

2022 Digital media trends: Toward the metaverse [REPORT]

This year’s Digital media trends survey revealed that media companies in the United States are now feeling more turbulence from the deeper currents shaping consumer behavior. After 15 years of growth, streaming video on-demand (SVOD) services have successfully unbundled video, lowered costs to consumers, and ignited fierce competition among providers. Top SVOD services are consolidating … Read more

Why Are Some Marketers Still Lost In Translation?

By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA One of the aspects of my career I like the most is the opportunity to mentor young professionals, and a few days ago, I received a request from someone asking for my advice. She has been asked to help her employer, an ad agency, translate a creative idea … Read more

Management-Model Innovation: How Marketing Can Save the World

Marketing can save the world. I believe this is true. But how? By pushing organizations, from the inside, to innovate with management models that aim to build social equity and improve the environment, while still measuring and achieving profitability. I have come to believe that efforts in these three dimensions – social, environmental, and economic … Read more

What is an effective frequency for advertising?

By Nigel Hollis Let’s be clear up front, the answer to the question posed in the title is it depends. The frequently used rules of thumb will be frequently wrong because the specifics of advertising objective, media channel, and product category make them so. But there are guidelines to be observed and there are myths … Read more

Inflation? Brands need empathy and consumer understanding

Inflation worries consumers because their income won’t buy as much. It worries businesses because it squeezes their margins. The first thing to recognize is that brands cannot promote their way out of trouble. Starting a price war erodes margins faster, re-educates consumers about where the price point should be in a category, and immediately destroys … Read more

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