Multicultural marketing: Lessons from the past in predicting the future

By Amy Huber, Doctoral Student – Florida State University, School of Communication Lessons from the Past Writings on multicultural marketing penned since the turn of the century reveal several trends borne from current events. In the early aughts, authors cited an unbridled optimism promising a future celebrating the potentialities of multiculturalism (Burton, 2002; Garcia, 2004). … Read more

Fun While It Lasted: Ad Industry Approaches a Reckoning

By Michael Farmer This is not an industry where you can “fake it until you make it,” with the promise of a big payday if you can just get through a difficult phase. It’s exactly the opposite. The big payday was in the past, when media commissions made agencies rich in the ’60s, ’70s and … Read more


The Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) announced the call for entry for the HMC Strategic Excellence Awards, the only award of its kind that honors multicultural strategic thinking and cultural competence in marketing. Census data has revealed that Hispanics are responsible for half of the population growth of the nation and a critical driver of the … Read more

Multicultural Marketing Investments Expected To Grow In 2022

By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA As we start a new year, there’s a sense of optimism regarding the expectations around multicultural marketing investments. Before the holiday break, I connected with a few industry leaders representing different segments and discussed the trends for 2022. Here’s an edited version of my conversations with Albert Rodriguez, … Read more

Performance media and marketing: An expanding playground for brands [REPORT]

The pandemic witnessed many brands turning to performance-based strategies to survive, but after stunning growth comes a host of challenges – in worlds both real and invented. COVID-19 has significantly accelerated our development and use of technology over the past 18 months, largely fueled by advertisers’ efforts to evolve their ecommerce offerings and meet the … Read more

Embrace the “Netaverse”

by Luis Miguel Messianu, Founder, Creative Chairman and CEO, Alma While I love, embrace, and can even say I’m an “early adopter” of new technologies, I’m a bit at odds with the overwhelming overload of Metaverse, NFT’s, bitcoin, crypto and all the advances of our society. Each of these come to us as sharp contrast … Read more

2022 Trust Barometer [REPORT]

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that business holds onto its position as the most trusted institution, with even greater expectations due to government’s failure to lead during the pandemic. By an average of five-to-one margin, respondents in the 28 countries surveyed want business to play a larger role on climate change, economic inequality, workforce … Read more

Mental Health in the US Hispanic Creative Industry

Those of us in the advertising industry are aware that the job means constant pressure. Every day, we must demonstrate that we have the talent and skills necessary to solve the creative problems that come across our desks. And our work is always subject to scrutiny, approval, and the opinions of many during the entire … Read more

If we’re all so busy, why isn’t anything getting done?

With endless meetings, incessant emails, and casts of thousands, companies have mastered the art of unnecessary interactions. Winning in the next normal requires much more focus on true collaboration. Have you ever asked why it’s so difficult to get things done in business today—despite seemingly endless meetings and emails? Why it takes so long to … Read more

Marketing Predictions 2022: Forging New Connections [eBOOK]

What does the future of marketing look like? CMOs face a perfect storm of budget cuts, operational disruption and social unrest. The ability to build new, vital connections with customers, employees and business partners is central to thriving across a range of unpredictable scenarios. Gartner Marketing Predictions 2022: Forging New Connections outlines critical marketing trends … Read more

Reversing the decline in advertising effectiveness

To create memorable advertising that builds brands, the industry must capture the ‘broad-beam’ attention of audiences; for that to happen, marketers must shift their focus – they must look out, says Orlando Wood, Chief Innovation Officer at the System1 Group. Advertising has always battled for attention. But what if there were more than one type … Read more

The benefits of a bilingual brain [VIDEO]

It’s obvious that knowing more than one language can make certain things easier — like traveling or watching movies without subtitles. But are there other advantages to having a bilingual (or multilingual) brain? Educator Mia Nacamulli details the three types of bilingual brains and shows how knowing more than one language keeps your brain healthy, … Read more

Inventing ‘Hispanic’ [PODCAST]

Do Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Cubans share an identity? The answer wasn’t necessarily clear before 1980. That’s when the Census Bureau introduced a pair of new terms, Hispanic and Latino, to its decennial count. The addition was the result of years of advocacy and negotiation: Being counted on the census meant the potential for far … Read more

2021 Population Estimates Available for the Nation, States and Puerto Rico

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Vintage 2021 the population of the United States grew in the past year by 392,665, or 0.1%, the lowest rate since the nation’s founding. The slow rate of growth can be attributed to decreased net international migration, decreased fertility, and increased mortality due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consumers Are Living In One Big Video World: Let’s Join Them

For decades, people opened up their T.V. guide and selected programs from a handful of channels. Today viewers pick their favorite content from a variety of apps and screens, any time they want.  By Laura Molen – President / Advertising & Partnerships at NBCUniversal

For Some Brands, It’s Time For A Multicultural Comeback

Over the past few weeks, I’ve spoken to several executives from multicultural-driven companies. Almost unanimously, they share the excitement with the strong demand for their business in 2021 and optimism about the 2022 forecast.  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA Agency

Latino civil rights organization drops ‘Latinx’ from official communication

The action by the League of United Latin American Citizens adds to the debate over a term embraced by younger Latinos and those seeking more inclusive, gender-neutral language.   Domingo García, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the nation’s oldest Latino civil rights organization, has instructed staff and board members to drop the word “Latinx” from the group’s official communications.

Navigate the top challenges facing CPG and retail advertisers in 2022 [REPORT]

The last 18+ months have been turbulent across all industries—particularly for CPG brands and retailers in the food and beverage spaces—and surging e-commerce demand irreversibly shifted the landscape. Many that leaned into marketing fared relatively well, but those who maintained the status quo or went dark have struggled to keep pace. Compounding the pandemic’s challenges, supply chain disruptions may be signaling an arduous holiday season is ahead.

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