7 Key Shifts in Marketing Channel Spend in 2021

The Gartner CMO Spend Survey shows that marketing budgets dropped from 11% of revenue in 2020 to 6.4% in 2021, causing a cascading ripple in how chief marketing officers (CMOs) are prioritizing spend across the organization. Faced with a reduction in resources, CMOs have reprioritized marketing channel spend for 2021. Now, pure-play digital channels dominate, making up 72.2% of the total marketing budget.

In-House Agency Fact Book — 2021

The ANA In-House Agency Fact Book highlights the structure, capabilities, and operations of in-house agencies at ANA corporate member companies.

US Hispanic Ad Industry Turn Around 2021? [RESULTS ARE IN]

It is a unique time in our US Hispanic Advertising, Marketing, Media, Public Relations & Research Industry. Current social conditions, the new found interest by major corporations to entertain important DE&I conversations and the “lack” of US Hispanic focused Executive Voices are molding the current conversations in Business. Non-Hispanic focused Executives and Marketers are dominating the current discussions about DE&I in Corporate America.  How will this impact the US Hispanic Advertising, Marketing, Media, Public Relations & Research Industry?

Six Shifts Changing the Future of Media

The media and entertainment industry doesn’t have a choice; it must change. Consumers have upped their baseline expectations as technology has evolved, and competitors for consumer time aren’t limited to traditional media. If we look across current forms of media, consumers multitask with other media more than 55% of the time.

Cultivating and Developing Diverse Talent

While most marketing leaders understand the importance of diversity and inclusion when it comes to hiring practices, the challenge is actually recruiting from the right places and fostering an inclusive culture that cultivates and develops diverse talent.

Industry Spotlight Series: Luis Miguel Messianu & Isaac Mizrahi – ALMA

To begin our new series titled “Industry Spotlight Series”, we have chosen Luis Miguel Messianu – Founder-Creative Chairman-CEO & Isaac Mizrahi Co-President & COO of Miami based ALMA.  We will continue to highlight our great industry executives in this series, asking them key questions about the business.  Enjoy.

New Diversity Action Alliance Analysis Finds Only 21% of PR Professionals Are Racially or Ethnically Diverse [REPORT]

The report, which examines the racial and ethnic representation and promotion data of employees across 100+ U.S.-based public relations and communications organizations, documents that just over one-fifth (21%) of those employees are racially/ethnically diverse. Furthermore, of the total employee sample, 22% of employees were promoted in 2019. Of that 22%, less than a fifth of those promoted were racially/ethnically diverse.

2022: The year of adaptive marketing planning and budgeting

As we approach 2022, just ask any CEO, what keeps you up at night? You’re guaranteed to get an earful, but in just one year the optimism is greater, the future is clearer, the deepest fears are beginning to fade, and a renewed focus on growth is increasing. Next, ask a CMO the same question. You’ll hear similar optimism, but mixed with concerns about managing and performing to high expectations of growth with slashed budgets.

Audio Today Report [REPORT]

According to Nielsen’s newest iteration of the Audio Today Report, radio listening is at its highest levels in 16 months. Radio remains America’s top weekly reach medium, and an essential part of the daily media diet for millions

Mission Impossible? Fewer Than 8 Percent of Pitches Become Stories

Propel’s survey of some 1.2 million pitches sent during the past 12 months pegs the 8 percent mark to pitches from a trio of top PR agencies. So, these top performers are achieving success about 8 percent of the time. The success rate for pitches from all media relations pros is “likely much lower,” a Propel executive tells us.

Measuring Racial and Ethnic Diversity for the 2020 Census

Later this month, the U.S. Census Bureau plans to release the first results from the 2020 Census on race and ethnicity. These data will provide a snapshot of the racial and ethnic composition and diversity of the U.S. population as of April 1, 2020.

Gallup Poll: ¿LatinX?

Most Hispanic Americans, too, are content with the use of multiple terms to describe their subgroup. Most favor “Hispanic,” though many prefer “Latino,” while few have adopted “Latinx” as their preferred term.

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