Debunking the Myth that Brand Building Doesn’t Drive Sales

Conversion-driven marketing strategies weren’t born out of the pandemic, but sales-focused campaigns really took a front seat last year when brands around the globe paused their broader marketing efforts. Now, as global ad spending rises, it’s important for brands and advertisers to think beyond the short term—and existing customer bases.

Long-Term Business Vitality Should Outweigh Short-Term Sales Gains

Our always-online lifestyles have undoubtedly paved the way for highly digitized marketing experiences, which offer brands the benefit of securing sales quickly when an online shop is only a few clicks away. When the pandemic arrived and e-commerce exploded, it only accelerated trends that would have otherwise taken years to reach ubiquity. The significant disruption across businesses over the past 15 months, however, has highlighted a notable shortcoming of marketing efforts that are overly focused on driving short-term sales: they do little to grow a business over the long term.

Big Tech struggles to control narrative as antitrust bills aim to level the playing field for innovation

The news: The House Judiciary Committee took up legislation Wednesday targeting the monopolistic and anticompetitive practices of US tech giants, per Bloomberg. This first notable bipartisan push is aimed at reigning in Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google’s market dominance. Big Tech lobbyists argue that, if passed into law, the bills would curtail innovation and could upend user privacy, as well as hurt small businesses relying on their services

Does Your Agency Really Need PR?

Have you considered using a PR firm to boost your agency’s profile and generate interest from potential clients? When does a creative shop genuinely need to hire a full-time PR staffer or firm? When do they not? Understanding the difference can help your agency capitalize on its opportunities and avoid misspent resources.  By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership

The ROI of Inclusivity [REPORT]

Brands need to start walking the D&I talk. According to a Nielsen custom study commissioned by a third party, The ROI of Inclusivity, only about 10% of national TV ad spend across major categories was on diverse networks in 2020. Share of spend on these networks has declined since 2016 across all categories except electronics.  By Roberto Ruiz, EVP – Research, Insights and Analytics

TRUST, The New Brand Equity [REPORT]

Today, our research shows a change in attitude, as consumers believe they have the power to force brands to change (63 percent) and want to exert that power on brands to make society better (78 percent). The deeper dependence on brands forged in the pandemic has made trust an essential purchase consideration, nearly equal to quality and value.

2020 Social Responsibility [REPORT]

Our purpose as a firm is to help create positive, enduring change in the world. In a year of unprecedented challenges, we came together to deliver on our purpose.

Economic Optimism Drives Brand Values to Record Levels

The world’s most valuable brands have experienced record growth according to the Kantar BrandZTM Most Valuable Global Brands 2021 ranking, with the total worth reaching $7.1 trillion – equivalent to the combined GDP of France and Germany.


While revenue and sales growth rank as management’s top mandate for marketers, CMOs will be more than happy with grades received in a new C-Suite Scorecard of marketing value and effectiveness released in a report  by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council.

US Advertising Market will grow by +15%

As the economy recovers faster than expected globally (GDP +6%) and in most markets, so do marketing activity and advertising spending. With the added driver of rescheduled international sports events, MAGNA forecasts global all-media advertising spending to grow by $78bn (+14%) to $657bn in 2021, a new all-time high. MAGNA also raises its forecast for advertising market growth in 2022 to +6.6% (previously +5%). The +14% growth expectation for 2021 would represent the highest growth rate on record, beating +12.5% in 2000, and a significant increase from MAGNA’s previous global forecast (Dec. 2020: +8%).

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