FTC Sues Facebook for Illegal Monopolization

The Federal Trade Commission sued Facebook, alleging that the company is illegally maintaining its personal social networking monopoly through a years-long course of anticompetitive conduct. Following a lengthy investigation in cooperation with a coalition of attorneys general of 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, the complaint alleges that Facebook has engaged in a systematic strategy—including its 2012 acquisition of up-and-coming rival Instagram, its 2014 acquisition of the mobile messaging app WhatsApp, and the imposition of anticompetitive conditions on software developers—to eliminate threats to its monopoly. This course of conduct harms competition, leaves consumers with few choices for personal social networking, and deprives advertisers of the benefits of competition.


MAGNA reveals that the global advertising market place shrank by -4.2% to $569 billion amidst the COVID-induced recession, but some markets (US, China) proved more resilient than initially feared, thanks to the scale and resilience of digital media formats (+8%).

20th Annual Multicultural Excellence Awards – Celebrating 20 Years of Multicultural Marketing

Prepare to be inspired as we highlight multicultural marketing at its best! As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ANA’s Multicultural Marketing Excellence Awards, join us to hear from some of the winningest brands and agencies.  They will highlight some of their best work over the past two decades, share their perspective on how multicultural marketing has evolved, and expound on what they think is next on the horizon.

How Agencies Can Make The Best Of A Lost Pitch

Some years ago, an agency owner came to me seeking help with their new business efforts. They were no longer being asked to participate in pitches, and their prospective opportunities seemed to be shrinking.  By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership

This Year Next Year: U.S. End-Of-Year Forecast [REPORT]

Despite a pace of economic decline that will produce the worst economy since the Great Depression, the ad market might end up falling by little more than we saw 2001. It will certainly be better than in 2008 during the fallout of the global financial crisis.

Predicting Consumer Demand in an Unpredictable World

Covid-19 has shattered the demand forecasts that guide retailers and suppliers of consumer goods and services in figuring out how much to order or manufacture, where to stock inventory, and how much to advertise or discount. Early on during the pandemic, sudden lockdowns and a shift to working from home caused panic buying of many food items and household goods. Some items sold out while others languished on shelves.

Exclusionary Inclusivity Makes Another Multicultural Project Miss the Mark

America is undergoing a process of social transformation. As a nation, this is impacting corporate America, the advertising and marketing industry and is encouraging dialogue of equity and inclusion regarding ethnic sectors.  A recent initiative launched last week has prompted the Culture Marketing Council (CMC), the voice of Hispanic marketing to comment.

When Black is LOUDER than Brown ……… Part 1

I am not very encourage when writing this article for HispanicAd, to see efforts to help Minority Broadcasters and Consumers that are not inclusive of at least the majority of the groups that encompass the Multicultural Marketing Bucket.  By Gene Bryan / CEO – HispanicAd

When Black is LOUDER than Brown – Parte Dos (Part 2)

After the release of our first article “When Black is LOUDER than Brown – Part 1” on Tuesday, we have been involved in a flurry of emails, texts and calls with executives regarding the purposeful announcement by the Dentsu Network of their media-buying program (Project Booker) designed to create “Inclusion with Exclusion”. 

The Great Shift [REPORT]

The COVID pandemic, as it has with nearly every other business around the world, has completely upended the way we perceive the limitations on ways business can be conducted, and the way marketers can interact with their audiences. The use of virtual sales channels and other digital transformation strategies have undergone remarkable acceleration.

Beyond the Binary

Mattel, P&G, and other major brands take a much more inclusive approach to gender

A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2020) [REPORT]

This report from ANA’s Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that women overwhelmingly comprise the bulk of the marketing industry’s workforce and at the senior leadership level, female representation is now likely at an all-time high. However, ethnic diversity continues to be poor, especially for African-American/Black and Hispanic/Latino.

Ethnic Diversity Still Lacking’ In Marketing Business

With the nation’s leading multicultural marketing executives logged on to participate in the virtual 2020 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference, which began Tuesday with strong sessions from Procter & Gamble Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard and Nestlé U.S. CMO Alicia Enciso, the ANA released a new diversity report that paints a sober picture of just how lacking diversity remains in the U.S. marketing industry.  By Adam R Jacobson / Radio + TV Business Report

The Biden Administration and Advertising: Predictable Change for the United States

With a new administration set to take charge of the U.S. government on January 20, new policies could impact a range of matters relevant to the advertising industry or, alternately, in other spheres, a status quo approach could offer at least four more years that, in some ways, resembles the last four years.   By Brian Wieser / Global President, Business Intelligence, GroupM

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