Popular movies continue to marginalize Hispanic/Latinos [REPORT]

The current study serves as an update to previous findings by evaluating top-grossing movies from 2019. The investigation assessed leading and co-leading Hispanic/Latino actors and all Hispanic/Latino speaking characters across 1,300 top-grossing films from 2007 to 2019, as well as the presence of Hispanic/Latinos working behind the camera as directors, producers, and casting directors.

The Tao of Strategy: 12 Principles and 4 Action Directives

The Tao of Strategy is not simply about Taoism and strategy. The word “Tao” in the title has a variety of meanings — the Way, “the nature,” the origin of all things — while also connoting Eastern wisdom. Our observations of institutions facing strategic challenges, plus recent research positing strategic intuition as the source of novel strategies, led us to explore how Eastern philosophy complements Western strategy-making.

Ethnic Pause at Work: 74% Struggle with Name Mispronunciation

“You wanna go where everybody knows your name,” according to the famous theme song from the television sitcom Cheers. But according to a new study from NameCoach, work is not as inclusive as Cheers when it comes to pronouncing names correctly. The new study reveals that 44% of respondents had their names mispronounced in an interview, and 41% had their names mispronounced in a customer meeting. The survey of U.S. workers shows that Hispanics were among the most impacted, with 59% having their name mispronounced in an interview.

NAB Show Canceled For 2021

The National Association of Broadcasters won’t be moving forward with the NAB Show, a move that also cancels the co-located Sales and Management Television Exchange and the Radio Show, co-produced by the NAB and the Radio Advertising Bureau.  By Adam Jacobson – Radio TV Business Report

Support Latino Business Day

Support Latino Business (SLB), a nonprofit dedicated to championing Latino/x small businesses, hosts its third annual Support Latino Business Day, September 14, 2021. Purposely kicking off Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) one day early, Support Latino Business Day works to continue changing the narrative for Latinos in the U.S., highlighting the vital and often unsung contributors of our nation’s economy.

Brand strength or margin? Both!

The chief marketing officer (CMO) takes the elevator from the ground floor. It’s usually empty—but not today. This morning, he bumps into the new chair of the supervisory board. She must have gotten on the elevator in the underground parking lot. The trip up to the executive floor takes only about a minute. The CMO braces himself and asks, “What’s the priority for next year—brand strength or margin?” The supervisory board chair responds, “Can’t we have both?”

Helping Advertisers Walk the Diversity Talk – What Diverse Media Owners Need to Do to Secure Advertiser Investments

Support diverse communities. Increase representation of minorities. Invest in diverse-owned media. This is likely the thought process of advertisers and agencies that have made public commitments during the social justice movement of the past year. As the advertising industry looks to deliver on those commitments, that brings opportunity for the long tail of diverse-owned media that cater to communities of different ethnicities, sexual orientation, various diaspora and all intersectionalities in between. With the market for diverse-owned ad time hotter than ever, how can diverse media owners increase their visibility with advertisers and agencies?

How to Create a Competitive Advantage in a Virtual World

Being successful in a “virtual world” is more than just finding space to put your laptop and an available power outlet. As the majority of marketing teams around the globe transitioned to working remotely, whether “for now” or “forever,” this transformation has created new challenges for both individuals and managers when it comes to effective time management and productivity practices.

Questioning Ad Buyers’ Reliance on Digital

Will digital ad spending continue chipping away at non-digital budgets? Corey’s interest is piqued by a new finding that shows 30% of businesses think they need more digital marketing.

CMO – Is Your Brand Ready For The 2030 Census?

Imagine you’re a CMO from a giant U.S. Corporation, and on August 12th, you received a message from your boss. She just got two questions from one of the company’s board director: Have you seen the latest Census data? And most importantly, are we ready to compete in this new diverse marketplace?  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President & COO of ALMA

6 Sure Fire Multicultural Insights to Optimize 2022 Marketing Planning

This year has been marked by unprecedented change in society, the economy, and the health of all Americans. In times like these marketing planning based on a high level of certainty has advantages. Here are 6 U.S. Hispanic market insights that are certain to maximize your 2022 marketing plans.  By Roberto Orci, EVP Strategic Growth at Captura Group

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