Technology’s Impact on Workers [REPORT]

The internet and cell phones have infiltrated every cranny of American workplaces, and digital technology has transformed vast numbers of American jobs. Work done in the most sophisticated scientific enterprises, entirely new technology businesses, the extensive array of knowledge and media endeavors, the places where crops are grown, the factory floor, and even mom-and-pop stores has been reshaped by new pathways to information and new avenues of selling goods and services. For most office workers now, life on the job means life online.

When Will the Social Struggles Stop?

Nearly nine in 10 US companies with at least 100 employees will use social media for marketing purposes this year, eMarketer estimates, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. December 2014 polling by Ascend2 found that marketing professionals worldwide still faced many obstacles to achieving social media marketing success.

The Value of Efficient Reach: Maximizing Campaign Audiences [INSIGHT]

With the current state of audience fragmentation and the proliferation of viewing platforms, Reach is a critical goal for advertisers seeking to engage with their desired audiences. In Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings, Reach measures how many unique individuals are exposed to an ad.

Time To Refocus On CPG Marketing Analytics [INSIGHT]

Compared to organizations in the retail, communications and financial services sectors that are gaining noteworthy value from advanced analytics, it is arguable whether consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies have yet to achieve the same results. Often they are still using outdated approaches to sales and marketing, and many are also not using social and mobile data to their full potential.

Annual Predictions Are Easy — I’ll Prove It With This Post

It is tradition that at the end of the year, writers and industry pundits light up their crystal ball and predict what they think will be the key developments in the industry for the coming year. Crystal-balling has in fact been a tradition since the invention of the almanac, dating back to some time to the middle of the second millennium BCE.
When it comes to marketing and advertising, I recently realized that predicting is actually not very hard at all. And I am going to prove this to you with this post.

U.S. and World Populations on New Year’s Day

As our nation prepares to ring in the new year, the U.S. Census Bureau toda projected the United States population will be 320,090,857 on Jan. 1, 2015. This represents an increase of 2,334,187, or 0.73 percent, from New Year’s Day 2014, and 11,345,319, or 3.67 percent, since Census Day (April 1) 2010.

Florida passes New York to become the Nation’s Third Most Populous State

By adding an average of 803 new residents each day between July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014, Florida passed New York to become the nation’s third most populous state, according to U.S. Census Bureau state population estimatesy. Florida’s population grew by 293,000 over this period, reaching 19.9 million. The population of New York increased by 51,000 to 19.7 million.

Sprint names Deutsch Los Angeles AOR

Sprint has named Interpublic’s Deutsch L.A. as its new insight and creative agency of record.  In recents weeks, Deutsch L.A also hired a Montse Barrena – EVP Group Account Director and Juan Pablo Oubina – Executive Creative Director.  The Hispanic portion of the accounts seems to also be in play.

U.S. Advertising Expenditures +0.3 Percent in Q3 2014

Total advertising expenditures increased 0.3 percent in the third quarter of 2014 to $33.7 billion, according to data released by Kantar Media, the leading provider of strategic advertising and marketing information. During the first nine months of 2014 ad spending grew 2.2 percent.

1 Million Hispanics Will Come of Age in 2015

Geoscape reported that over 993,000 Hispanics within the United States will turn age 18 in calendar year 2015; a monthly average of about 83,000. Hispanics will account for nearly 23 percent of all persons turning 18 within the United States.

Hispanic represent +50% of all renters in the US

Only twenty nine percent of Hispanics who rent their homes report having renters insurance, according to a new survey by State Farm. In fact, among respondents without renters insurance more than one third (34%) said they had never heard of renters insurance. Further, most overestimated the cost of coverage and underestimated the value of their property. Not having renters insurance could leave Hispanic families vulnerable to a financial catastrophe especially during the holiday season.

Five Issues Facing Madison Avenue in 2015

The advertising industry can remember 2014 as the year of Madison Avenue’s biggest non-merger–and continued speculation as to what might happen to the sector’s smaller players–a market that was weak for television but booming for digital media and a reminder that technology is upending every aspect of the business.  Courtesy of Wall Street Journal

“Does ‘Total Market’ Make Any Sense After Ferguson?” [INSIGHT]

While a total approach to marketing might seem admirable, and offers the fantasy of economies of scale, in a country divided by so much, an integrated approach, rather than one grounded in cultural differences, hardly seems to fulfill the dream of better connecting with consumers.  Yes, a brand’s essence, its personality and messaging, should be unified and consistent.  But it is also likely to signify different things to different people.  By  David R. Morse – President and CEO / New American Dimensions, LLC

Havas Creative Group acquires Formula

Havas announced the acquisition of Formula, an integrated communications and experiential marketing agency. With 100 staff members across offices in New York, Los Angeles, and San Diego, the new entity, Havas Formula, will be a full-service agency with practice areas in strategic communications, public relations, experiential, Latino, and experiential marketing.

With fewer new arrivals, Census lowers Hispanic population projections

The Hispanic population is expected to reach about 106 million in 2050, about double what it is today, according to new U.S. Census Bureau population projections. But the new Hispanic population projection for 2050 is lower — by nearly 30 million — than earlier population projections published by the bureau.

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