U.S. Total Video [Report]

comScore, Inc.  published The U.S. Total Video Report. The report provides context for Americans’ shifting TV consumption habits. As the viewing environment becomes increasingly fragmented with a wider array of devices and sources of content, it’s more important than ever to gain a complete understanding of TV audiences and their viewing behaviors across multiple platforms.

Lessons Learned from Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 [INSIGHT]

It’s no secret that Latinos are active online. The challenge for brands is how to connect with such a diverse group that represents three regions of the Americas in a relevant and impactful way. There is no magic formula, but there are guidelines – and pitfalls – that brands must keep in mind. Here we share some do’s and don’ts from Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) 2014 for connecting with U.S. Hispanics online.

Audience Engagement Study on Millennial Moms [REPORT]

Exponential Interactive announced the results of its “Marketing to Millennial Mothers” study which identifies specific behaviors, interests and trends of modern moms ages 18-32 to help brands and advertisers engage with one of the largest growing audience segments.


In 2013, a majority (52%) of Millennials in the Top 10 Total Market (TM) states were of Multicultural background compared to 1 in 3 of  Millennials in the remaining 40 states.  These 10 states fueled 59% of the U.S. Millennial growth since 2010 and represented 53% of all U.S. Millennials. Multicultural Millennials generated the vast majority (77%) of the Millennial growth between 2010 and 2013 in these top 10 TM states, growing 2.4 times faster than White Non-Hispanic Millennials.

Hispanics Hop on the Latest Beer Trends [INSIGHT]

Hispanics are trendsetters. This demographic is the largest self-identifying ethnic group in the U.S. and has more than $1 trillion in spending power. So where are they spending? When it comes to celebrating with family and friends or relaxing at the end of a long day, many of these consumers are reaching for cold and refreshing beers.  By Andrea Riberi, Senior Vice President, Alcoholic Beverages, and Eva Gonzalez, Executive Director, Diverse Consumer Insights and Multicultural Marketing

Making Measurement Work for Programmatic Ad Buying [INSIGHT]

The ad industry has always been consumed with the latest trends. This should be no surprise, given that marketers and their agencies spend the better part of their days trying to create them. But nothing in advertising has generated more buzz in recent months than programmatic buying. Buying ad inventory more efficiently by applying rules to technology-enabled, automated purchases has marketers salivating. And they’re putting their money where their mouths are, with some of the world’s largest advertisers reportedly planning to shift as much as 75% of their digital spend to programmatic buying over the next year.  By Chris Louie, VP Product Leadership

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