Social TV Effort Is No Sweat for Clorox Bleach

Following last year’s “Bleachable Moments” social TV effort success with ABC’s “The Bachelorette,” Clorox Bleach went at it again with extensions on Twitter, allowing fans to vote. Molly Steinkrauss, associate director of marketing communications at The Clorox Company, spoke with eMarketer’s Danielle Drolet about the effectiveness of social TV for consumer packaged goods brands.

Overcoming the Barriers to Superior Trade Promotion Effectiveness

Every year, an enormous amount of ink is spilt to greater or lesser effect on advertising: how to make it more effective, how to tie it more clearly to brand and sales lift outcomes, and so on. Much less is devoted to trade spending. And yet trade spending represents more than twice as much of the average consumer packaged goods (CPG) company’s expenditures—19 percent of revenue compared with advertising’s 7.5 percent—and sits second only to cost of goods sold as an expense item in the ledger (advertising is fourth).

Delivering Content To Young Males: Make It Fast, Accessible, And Shareable

The proliferation of digital media via mobile phones, tablets, and apps has understandably affected various consumer groups differently. For any brand or organization with a story to tell, this means new opportunities and new obstacles to reach particular audiences. To keep up with the growth of digital, today’s content needs to be catered to audiences in a much more conscious and holistic way than it has been before.

Despite Time Spent, Mobile Sites Grab More Moola than Apps

eMarketer projects 19.0% of US retail ecommerce sales will stem from mobile devices this year. By 2016, the share will rise to 25.0%. Traditional retailers, ecommerce players and mobile-only businesses are all vying for the money consumers are increasingly spending through their smartphones and tablets, according to a new eMarketer report, “Mobile Commerce Deep Dive: The Products, Channels and Tactics Fueling Growth.”

A Different View Of The Customer Lifecycle

The customer lifecycle is almost as hot a buzzword as “big data” — but what exactly is a customer lifecycle?  Is it really a circular journey?  Is it linear?

Key Factors Influencing CMO compensation packages

Chief marketers who report directly to CEOs are likely to earn more than their peers, says the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council in a new “CMO Compensation Report” study. Additionally, good peer relationships provide an advantage as the most highly paid CMOs have forged close partnerships with chief financial officers and chief information officers.


As the U.S. GDP inched up 2% annually since 2010 to $15.5T in 2013, the 10 most influential Total Market (TM) states yielded the brunt of the economic expansion. These 10 TM states generated nearly 60% of the country’s net GDP growth. Fueled by a population base that is 60% Multicultural, TX & CA account for a third of the total U.S. GDP growth. NY, FL, & GA are next in line to become majority Multicultural by 2025. On average, Multicultural segments are growing 22 times faster than non-Multicultural in the top 10 TM states.

Getting Sponsored Content Right: The Consumer View [STUDY]

A new comprehensive study of U.S. online news users by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Edelman Berland shows that relevancy (90%) is the top factor in sparking interest in in-feed sponsored content, yet it also clearly demonstrates that the public’s feelings about the advertiser itself determines the success of this type of native advertising. Criteria such as brand familiarity and trust (81%), as well as subject matter expertise (82%), were identified as critical in driving news reading consumers’ interest in sponsored content.

Consumer Confidence: Concerns and Spending Intentions Around the World [REPORT]

Regionally, North America (103) and Europe (77) reported consumer confidence increases of three and two points, respectively, from the first quarter. Confidence was highest in the Asia-Pacific region, which held steady from the first quarter with a score of 106. Confidence declined in the Latin America (90) and Middle East/Africa regions (93), dropping three points and one point, respectively.

Unphotoshopping America.

By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

  • There’s this notion in our industry: Hispanic consumers have a higher degree of naiveté, credulity, unsophistication or good nature (take your pick).
  • Our guard is lower.

How To Measure True Sponsorship Value (A Framework) [INSIGHT]

“That was fantastic. Let’s do it again — but bigger!” says the marketer in an after-action review or post-buy meeting. I cringe when I hear those words, since those are two decisions made right there. Apparently we are going to do “it” again, and doing “it” bigger will beat the results from the previous time we did “it.”

Deliver Unprecedented Growth by Finding your Super Consumers [INSIGHT]

Finding ways to grow sales has never been tougher. Despite obstacles like robust competition, a fragmented media environment and growing piles of data, a handful of companies are still finding growth opportunities within their existing customer bases. In fact, by identifying a category’s ‘Super Consumers’ – those consumers that spend a lot and engage a lot, companies are tailoring their marketing and sales efforts to boost incremental sales—even when category sales are flat.

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