Schools and Universities play Important Role in Positive Social Change [REPORT]

According to Walden University’s 2013 Social Change Impact Report, nearly all adults (93%, on average) agree it is important that schools provide opportunities for young people to be involved in positive social change activities. Findings also reveal that if social change engagement is modeled to and started at a young age, it may lead to more involvement in adulthood as 89% of adults, on average, agree that being involved in positive social change as a child or teenager inspires people to be involved as adults.

It’s a New Millennial: Tuning in To Generation Y’s Listeners

Millennials, the young adults that make up Generation Y, are some of the most connected consumers in America today. They’re also steady radio listeners. These teens and twenty-somethings have more ways to consume content than any previous generation, and the options continue to advance. Yet despite rapidly evolving technology, radio continues to engage an extraordinarily high percentage of Millennials across the country each week.

2014: Consumer Confidence Expected To Rise [INSIGHT]

Despite ongoing market uncertainty, retail chief financial officers are feeling more confident about the state of the consumer. According to a new BDO USA, LLP survey, retail CFOs forecast a 5.1 percent increase in total sales and a 4.8 percent increase in comparable store sales this year, marking a significant increase from the number expressing similar sentiments last year. A majority of CFOs (63 percent) indicate that they include online sales in their comparable sales projections, suggesting that some of this expected growth and optimism may be linked to the exploding popularity of e-commerce.

ALMA celebrates Its 20th Anniversary and unveils New Brand Identity

In 1994, Luis Miguel Messianu had the vision to create a multicultural advertising agency that would modernize Hispanic marketing, infusing deep and insightful knowledge of the ever evolving target audience to develop a culture-centric creative model. On February 8, twenty years after first opening its doors, what is now Alma celebrated two decades of accomplishments and evolution that have taken it from a start-up operation to a position as one of the leading multicultural marketing agencies in the United States.

Futsal and the Changing of America [INSIGHT]

The front page headline in the January 15, 2014, Los Angeles Times caught my attention: “Futsal: Soccer Small and Fleet.” The article described the exploding popularity of the sport of futsal, a mini-soccer game with five-person teams played on small concrete or turf (sometimes artificial) courts.   By Dr. Carlos E. Cortés / Univision Insights

Nielsen launches Local Buyer Reach

Nielsen Local Buyer Reach is a solution that connects what viewers watch with what they buy, by linking proprietary Nielsen local television viewing data with actual consumer transactions and auto registrations.

Retailers use Social to Spur Shopping, Research

Few would argue that social media has proven to be a significant direct sales channel or that it is not as strong a sales driver when compared with other tactics. Though it cannot be tracked in traditional ways, social is indeed valuable to retailers for engagement, brand awareness and influence that unquestionably affect sales, according to a new eMarketer report, “Social Commerce: Influencing Shoppers and Assisting Sales.”

Sabor Latino Food Industry Trade Show in LA

Sabor Latino, a food industry trade show, will showcase products and services from this growing food and beverage sector on May 13 and 14, 2014, at the Pasadena Convention Center in the Los Angeles market.  The trade show and symposium will provide a marketplace for grocers, restaurateurs, schools, hotels, hospitals, foodservice, and food and beverage professionals to engage with suppliers and manufacturers of Latino food products and services.  From what’s trending to the authentic and healthy, the show will feature an exhibit floor, workshops, cooking demonstrations, and a symposium.

Why the Future of Advertising (and America) is Cross-Cultural [INSIGHT]

The last year has been filled with talk about the virtues and the issues with the concept of total market advertising. In a recent article I posited that there are essentially three different models for multicultural marketing. Although the terms are being used interchangeably, the result is a great deal of confusion in the multicultural marketing world. This evolving lexicon has made its way into the agency side of the business. More and more Hispanic, African-American and Asian advertising agencies are adopting monikers like “cross-cultural agency” to describe themselves and have gone out of their way to label new ethnic assignments as “total market” AOR assignments.  by Jose Villa / Sensis

Audio is Workin’ for the Weekday [REPORT]

If you’re like most Americans, listening to the radio is part of your regular weekly schedule. In fact, 92 percent of the people in the U.S. over the age of 12 (242 million people) listen to the radio each week. But what you may not be conscious of is where and when you’re most likely to tune in to hear your favorite music, news, talk or sports programming…because it depends on your employment status.

Consumer Search Behavior

DAC Group and Kantar released the results of their latest consumer search behaviour survey. In its fifth year, the comprehensive study uncovers trends and improves the understanding of consumer media usage throughout the United States and Canada. Results in the categories of general consumer search behaviour, mobile, and social search show steady trending in digital adoption.  Slight variances in findings uncover unique needs highlighted in select sectors. Overall insights gleaned reinforce the need for today’s Digital CMO to take a strategic look at online consumer conversion strategy.

Círculo Creativo & AHAA Announce Call for Entries for 2014 U.S.H. Idea Awards

Círculo Creativo, in partnership with AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, announces that call for entries for the Third Annual U.S.H. Idea Awards are now open through April 1st, 2014. The award, which recognizes the best creativity in U.S. Hispanic advertising, is adding new categories and embracing the broad spectrum of Hispanic marketing to include public relations; branded content and entertainment; and integrated campaigns. The Awards will take place in Miami, FL on Tuesday, April 29th, 2014, as part of the 2014 AHAA “Thinking Under the Influence” Conference.

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