Age and Sex Table Packages and Race and Hispanic Origin Table Packages: 2012

Age and Sex Table Packages and Race and Hispanic Origin Table Packages: 2012 — These table packages are from the Current Population Survey and include detailed statistics about five-year age groups by sex, the older population (55 and older), and the Hispanic, black and Asian populations. The tables provide a wide range of social and economic characteristics, such as marital status, educational attainment, nativity, employment status, occupation and poverty. These tables are also available for previous years and are only available at the national level and should not be confused with similar American Community Survey statistics.

Millward Brown and Ogilvy & Mather launch The Brand Cross-Cultural Index

WPP’s Millward Brown and Ogilvy & Mather released a syndicated tool for understanding a brand’s value across racial or ethnic segments. The Brand Cross-Cultural Index (BCCI) is a brand equity database, assesses and ranks brands based on their appeal to non-Hispanic White, Hispanic, Black and Asian consumers.

Is The FCC Looking To Backdoor The Fairness Doctrine?

According to Radio INK, that’s what some lawmakers seem to be thinking in a letter written to new FCC Chairman Thomas Wheeler from the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opening paragraph highlights the importance of the commission’s removal of the Fairness Doctrine, calling it an intrusion into free speech. That’s followed up by a call to stop “this most recent attempt to engage the FCC as the news police.” What has lawmakers all twisted up is the commission’s November Public Notice announcing a field test for the research design of a multi-market study of critical information needs. The committee letter states, “The proposed design for the CIN study shows a startling disregard for not only the bedrock constitutional principles that prevent government intrusion into the press and other news media, but also for the lessons learned by the Commission’s experience with the Fairness Doctrine.”

How Young Latinos Feel About Their Portrayal in Entertainment [INSIGHT]

Hispanics may be driving population growth in the U.S. — but when it comes to appearing on the silver screen, they’re a pretty rare sight. In October, USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism released a study revealing that in the top 100 grossing films of 2012, only 4% of speaking characters were Hispanic.  In fact, they are the most under-represented group in movies (76% White, 11% Black, 5% Asian).

Key Trends for 2014: New Demands Accelerate Marketing

The rapid emergence of the everywhere, always-connected consumer places new demands on marketers, according to a new eMarketer report, “Key Digital Trends for 2014.” Specifically, it raises expectations about the speed with which marketers need to respond to expressions of interest across the customer journey, from the consideration phase all the way through to post-sales service. Gone are the days of 24- or 48-hour response times. Consumers expect instant interactions, whether it is a relevant offer or an answer to a customer service query, and the ability for same-day delivery of items purchased through digital channels.

We Work Before We Play [INSIGHT]

The year’s end is fast approaching. It’s a time when many choose to reflect on the months gone by, and to re-establish their priorities for the new year. When it comes to finding stability between work and leisure time, some Americans are more out of balance than others – none more so (perhaps not surprisingly) than those in households with children, who report the fewest median hours of leisure time per week (15 hours).

Do Millennials Watch Online Videos Differently?

Are millennials online video viewing habits substantially different than those of older viewers? Data from a November 2013 survey of online adults in the US conducted by YuMe and IPG Media Lab seems to indicate the answer is “yes.”

Top Searches Among Latinos

Yahoo! Inc. presents “Year in Review 2013”, a retrospective look at 2013 that highlights the interests of millions of Yahoo users; while presenting the most relevant stories, favorite topics and personalities of the year.

2014 Ad Spend forecast to 4.6% Growth

Economic gridlock in the U.S. and a persistent financial crisis in the Eurozone have led GroupM to revise its worldwide advertising spending forecast for 2014 downward to 4.6 percent from the 5.1 percent hike predicted earlier this year.

Mobile to drive growth in global ad spend over the next three years

Advertising is set to see the strongest sustained period of growth in ten years, with global ad spend growth forecast to rise from 3.6% in 2013 to 5.3% in 2014. Growth is then set to increase to 5.8% in 2015 and 2016. The principle engine of this growth will be mobile technology, which is expanding the space for media consumption.

The Collaborative Economy: 2014 Hot Topic And Trend [INSIGHT]

The Collaborative Economy is associated with sharing resources to reduce waste, but its primary focus is on the economics of collaboration and the efficiencies of networks. The Collaborative Economy seeks to harness crowds, collectives, communities and co-ops to co-create, co-ideate, co-design, co-fund, co-own, co-build, co-distribute, co-market, co-sell, co-profit and co-prosper. 

Telemundo Media partners with Target on “Celebremos Juntos”

Telemundo Media partnered with Target for the first-ever “Celebremos Juntos” holiday special which aired on Sunday, Dec. 1 on Telemundo. Engaging families to spark conversations and empowering consumers to make this season their own, Telemundo and Target partnered to create a custom photo-based digital campaign for Target asking viewers to submit their most festive holiday photo for a chance to win a $1,000 Target gift card and the opportunity for their photo to be featured in a LIVE commercial.

ACA Bumpy Rollout Learnings for Customer/Patient Experience [INSIGHT]

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) opened enrollment just two months ago and, while much has been said about the government’s implementation, little has been said about the consumer’s journey or the role the health insurance companies play-or not play-along the way. A recent assessment of a few State-based Market places1, State-Federal Partnerships2, and Federally Facilitated Marketplaces3, shows that many Hispanics, the greatest source of growth of eligible uninsured in key markets, have great challenges to engage through ACA.

Brands must Market Practicality to Millennial Parents

The generation that many groups have characterized as lazy and self-absorbed is suddenly entering the parental space. Millennials are starting to become moms and dads. As a matter of fact, 10.8 million American households are now headed by Millennial parents, according to a recent study by Barkley, “Millennials as New Parents.” However, according to more than one source, the generation that many marketers thought they had pegged in terms of priorities and values may be very different than originally perceived. It seems that, especially once they become parents, Millennials take a more modest approach to consumer habits, valuing quality over quantity and practicality over status.

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