
Has The Internet Killed Impulse Buying?

Retailers have long capitalized on our impulsive human nature. But it was the emergence of consumer psychology in the 1950s that allowed marketers to get really, really good at it. All those candy bars at the checkout and can’t miss offers at end-caps are big business for retailers.

‘Tis The Season For Looking Back — And Ahead

It’s that time of the year already. Turkey Day has come and gone. Your neighbors have put their Christmas decorations up. Stores play endless Christmas songs. So brace yourself for an avalanche of 2016 predictions and “best of 2015” articles.

Millennials in 2015: Who has Value? [REPORT]

As the youngest group of adult consumers, Millennials are the most underinsured generation. In large part, this is because many have delayed many major life milestones such as purchasing a car and a home, or starting a family, when compared to past generations.

Critical Differences In Digital Shopping Habits Between Age Groups [REPORT]

The report shows that younger adults, ages 18-34, are more likely to favor smartphones for retail activities than any other age group. While overall, consumers are more likely to purchase using a tablet (35%) than a smartphone (28%), this younger generation is more inclined to make purchases using their smartphones (43% vs. 35% on a tablet). In comparison, those 35-54 are more apt to use a tablet for their shopping needs and are more apt to make purchases on those devices (41% vs. 35% general population).

Are Millennials Starting To Rethink Social Media?

Turns out the stereotype of selfie-obsessed, share-happy Millennials might be flawed

Study Shows Three Holiday Shopper Archetypes [REPORT]

An ongoing shopper behavior study conducted by The Integer Group® and M/A/R/C Research reveals different holiday shopper archetypes from data over the past three years and discusses the what, where and why of their shopping behaviors.

Cross-Platform Marketing a Must-Have in 2016

Mobile service behemoth AT&T is all about connectivity, so it’s no surprise that the brand’s key campaign this summer was about staying connected on the road. Nick Bianchi, director of social media at AT&T, spoke with eMarketer’s Maria Minsker about why cross-platform messaging was central to the campaign’s success and how it will continue to drive the company’s strategy in 2016.

The Latin Explosion: A New America [WATCH IT]

The Latin Explosion: A New America celebrates the music, the artists and the visionaries who have pioneered this sea change, exploring how the growing Latino community is impacting American culture for the better. Anchoring the film are exclusive interviews with the musicians at the center of Latino power and influence in this country, including Gloria Estefan, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull, Ricky Martin, Romeo Santos, members of Los Lobos, Rita Moreno, Jose Feliciano and others. They talk about their lives and music, as the film celebrates their mega crossover hits that have defined the American experience and set the stage for the “Latin Explosion” in all aspects of American life.

The Unique Challenges of Surveying U.S. Latinos [REPORT]

But surveying Hispanics is complicated for many reasons – language barriers, sampling issues and cultural differences – that are the subject of a growing field of inquiry. This report explores some the unique challenges currently facing survey researchers in reaching Hispanics and offers considerations on how to meet those challenges based on the research literature and our experiences in fielding the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos.

Who Is Multiracial? Depends on How You Ask” A Comparison of Six Survey Methods to Capture Racial Identity [REPORT]

In 2014, as Pew Research Center prepared to conduct the first major study of the views of multiracial Americans—a group that, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, is poised to triple by 2060—we faced a fundamental and unavoidable methodological challenge: how to define and measure the concept “multiracial” in a public opinion survey context.

To Procurement Or Not To Procurement

I have had the good fortune to work with both the marketing as well as the procurement disciplines in various roles, and to have been involved in some of the shaping of the two disciplines as a whole through work I have done with the World Federation of Advertisers. What all this has told me, unsurprisingly, is that there are good and bad decision-makers — and you will find them in marketing procurement teams as well as marketing departments.

Can Programmatic Solutions Help Solve Agencies’ Bandwidth Problem?

For years the balance of workload versus scope of work has plagued digital agency teams. The strain is compounded as agencies invest in new skills to support client business in a marketplace where publishers’ inventory and technology are restructuring for self-service.

Creative Freedom Solidifies Partnership Between Influencers and Brands

The new wave of influencers—stars on Instagram and YouTube, as well as other channels—say that when it comes to working with brands, money is not their only object. Creative freedom matters more.

Rio 2016: Vying for Marketing Gold During the Olympic Games

No other event inspires, entertains and unites hundreds of millions of people around the globe like the Olympic Games; this athletic competition sustains us for a two-week period when 88 countries come together to display athletic prowess in the name of personal achievement, patriotism and honor.

Putting The ‘Millennial’ In Marketing

The world of marketing is rapidly changing, and for many marketing leaders, millennials are at the top of the list from an engagement perspective. The question I regularly hear from marketing leaders in retail, consumer goods and broader industries is, “What are best practices for marketing to millennials?”

Marketing Procurement Not Going Away

More than two-thirds of procurement and financial professionals say PepsiCo’s decision to eliminate its marketing procurement department will not become an industry trend, according to a survey of members conducted by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers).

Does Speaking Another Language Change your Personality?

I feel like a different person when I speak in Spanish then when I speak in English.  By Cindy Correa – Sr. Brand Strategist at Orci

47% Attrition Rate in Brand Leadership Since 1999 [REPORT]

Technology & Electronics Companies Emerge as Modern-Day “Leader Brands,” Between 1999 and 2014, 47 percent of brands fell off the top 100 “leader brands,” according to a PwC US study.

Redefining Boundaries: The Global C-suite Study [REPORT]

What makes the world’s top executives cringe?

Not Your Father’s Television: How Advertising Retains Value in the Digital Era [REPORT]

While TV advertising once meant only broadcast or cable seen on a television set, only a third of companies in this Forbes Insights/Simulmedia survey define television advertising that way now. Half consider TV advertising to be linear advertising (broadcast or cable) seen on any device, and a fifth think of it as any video on any device.

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