
Purpose drives performance [REPORT]

Marketing efforts at “overperforming” companies are typically purpose-led, data-driven and consistent across touchpoints, according to initial results from the Insights2020 project being led by Millward Brown Vermeer.

US Hispanic Mothers: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Audience [INSIGHT]

The buying power of US Hispanics is growing, and mothers make up a huge chunk of these purchasing decisions. Holly Pavlika, senior vice president of marketing and content at Collective Bias, a company that connects brands and retailers to general market and Hispanic consumers through influencer-generated content, spoke to eMarketer’s Alison McCarthy about what marketers can do to best reach US Hispanic mothers.

US Hispanic Ad Industry is doomed, Univision’s & Telemundo’s power is diminished and you all are Elitists [What Do You Think?]

Jose Villa’s / Sensis Agency’ article in Mediapost titled “The Forgotten Hispanic Consumer” is a customary piece typical for what Mr. Villa is know for, trying to represent that the US Hispanic Consumer can only be reached digitally and through a cross-cultural strategy that he and his company employ.  The problem is not whether he is right or wrong, his voice resonates with mainstream ad agencies and clients trying to create one big buy to ensure they hit their procurement goals and reduce agency rosters.

Multicultural Research tied to Shopper Journey [REPORT]

Multicultural consumers are no longer the minority. It’s apparent that as cultures converge, marketing to these groups must recognize cultural nuances that might impede or activate a purchase along the path to purchase. 

Short Sleeves, Crest Logos And The Soccerfication Of The NBA

When the 2015-16 season tipped off last week, about 22% of the league’s roster spots were held by foreign-born players. That’s significantly ahead of the NFL’s 0.65%, and not too far behind the MLB’s 26.5%. But MLB’s international talent pool — 220+ strong — is concentrated mostly throughout Latin America (17 countries). The NBA’s 100+ internationals come from 37 different countries and territories spread across all seven continents.

Social TV Behaviors: Use of Social Media While Watching TV High But Unrelated [REPORT]

Social TV behaviors have continued to evolve over the years; shifting from consumers passively consuming TV – to socially consuming TV as more and more social media becomes accessible via different devices and sources.

The ‘Second Battleground’ To Drive Brand Growth [INSIGHT]

Just about every brand marketer talks about winning the battle at shelf. But there is another battleground that is too often ignored. Many brands may be much better served by focusing more on winning what I refer to as “the second battleground,” that is driving frequency of use to shorten the brand’s purchase cycle.

How Brands Can Harness The Power Of SuperFans [INSIGHT]

Everyone knows a SuperFan. This person may be called Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, Millennial, Baby Boomer, Senior or just about anything in between. The SuperFan may also belong to any socio-economic, demographic, race, ethnicity, sex, household income, or geographic location.

Is Programmatic Being Used By Big Agencies To Bash The Independents?

There has always been a question mark around programmatic, and it ties in with another industrywide question.

Teen Marketing: Blink And They’re Gone

Known for their plugged-in nature, teens seem to be natural born multitaskers with the ability to text, talk, work, and walk simultaneously without crashing head first into a street pole.

The digital future of consumer-packaged-goods companies

After lagging behind other sectors with rocketing online sales, consumer-packaged-goods players are at an e-commerce tipping point. Here’s how they can succeed.

Ads With Impact: What Messaging Themes Speak Loudest To Consumers?

Reaching your audience is an important component of any ad campaign, but what good is ad reach if it doesn’t resonate with the audience?

Holiday shoppers plan to stuff their own stockings and leave a little sparkle under the tree

Holiday cheer is making a comeback but without shiny boxes and bright wrapping, according to Deloitte’s 30th annual holiday survey of consumer spending intentions and trends.

Are Advertisers and Consumers in Conflict?

There’s little question in the digital marketing industry that consumer attitudes to advertising are a concern. The rise of ad blocking could be a wake-up call about intrusive, annoying and irrelevant messages—if the industry takes heed.

U.S. Shoppers define Local Food as Grown within 100 Miles of Point of Sale [REPORT]

Consumers will pay a premium for local food – 78 percent of survey respondents are willing to pay a 10 percent premium for local food, up from 70 percent in 2014.

The Predictive Journey: 2015 Survey on Predictive Marketing Strategies [REPORT]

Predictive marketing is emerging as the best strategy to embrace data analytics to guide decisions and increase the visibility of markets. While it is still the early stages for this strategy, it won’t be long until most organizations will be investing in it. Predictive marketing is poised to enter the mainstream, and those organizations that move forward with it will lead their markets.

Marketing to Millennials: Lessons for the Next Generation [INSIGHT]

We are reaching fever pitch when it comes to marketing to Millennials.

Data, Analytics Integral To Handling Disruption Concerns

When the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), in collaboration with McKinsey and Co. and GfK, asked marketers about how they would respond to profound changes in the business landscape, a range of responses all tying back to data came out on top. The greatest share, 83%, believed that it would be very important for marketers to know how to make data-informed decisions to respond to such disruptions to their jobs.

Integrating Market Research Into Your Product Development Process [INSIGHT]

CPG companies produce an estimated 20,000 new products each year to keep up with increasing consumer demands. Growth requires a constant stream of new ideas, product updates and whole new category innovations. Without input from the market, it’s nearly impossible to ideate, test, and manufacture winning products at the speed that’s needed to stay competitive in the cutthroat retail environment. As a result, CPG companies need to turn to market research to better understand, incorporate and meet the interests of consumers to help them make smart decisions about the product development process. Here are a few ways you can incorporate market research into your product development efforts.

The Top 5 Things CMOs Are Too Afraid To Tell You

Technology in many forms has shaken up the role of chief marketers. From cookie-less and incognito browsing to the overwhelming minefield of user data to the proliferation of programmatic software, today’s CMO is now part-data scientist, part-digital strategist, part-research specialist, part-technologist and more.
Ad blockers, lack of measurement standards and the death of creative are just a few of the topic areas which were addressed recently at Advertising Week in New York. However, it’s just as interesting to look at what CMOs aren’t talking about and aren’t eager to shout from the rooftops.

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