
GAPS + HOLES in Marketing Teams impact Business Performance

86% of Chief Marketers Report Missed Revenue and Customer Acquisition Goals Due to Unfilled Functional Leadership Positions and Lack of Expertise

The CMO Survey: The transformation of marketing [REPORTS]

The 26th edition of The CMO Survey explores how marketing activities, spending, jobs, and performance have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as increased political and social upheaval over the course of the past year.

Three Common and Enormous Mistakes Companies Make with Customer Experience (CX) Programs

Many companies have embraced the concept of customer experience (CX), but relatively few organizations have achieved mature, self-sustaining CX programs that enable enterprise-wide customer-centric culture and significantly improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. As with any business discipline, there is plenty of devil in the details to get CX right, but I am often surprised by the big ways companies undermine their CX outcomes from the start.

CMC rebrands as Hispanic Marketing Council

Today’s marketing landscape is seeing a racial awakening from companies, but consumers are demanding equality and proper representation coupled with culturally literate, responsible practices from marketers. With Hispanics fueling U.S. culture shifts and population growth, the Culture Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing is sharpening its focus, re-invigorating its advocacy for Hispanic marketing, and rebranding as the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC). At a time when intentional approaches via segment marketing have never been more critical, the HMC continues to be the only organization devoted to promoting the critical role of Hispanic marketing, media and specialist firms in today’s marketplace.

The Opportunity for Influencer Marketing within Retail Media Networks

As new headwinds and market conditions present themselves, marketers across the retail landscape often can be found reshaping growth strategies. Last year — the year that shall not be named — was a case study in on-the-fly strategizing thanks to how the pandemic upended elaborate plans and mainstay messaging. While becoming the largest news story in decades, it also forced most marketers to reassess priorities and reconsider how their brands and products fit into such strange and new consumer lifestyles.

Marketing in the Age of Working Remotely

As working both from home and the office becomes the norm post-pandemic, companies try and make the best of both worlds

In-House Ad Agencies Are Gaining Room to Maneuver

Agencies inside Walgreens and The Hershey Co. are expanding their roles by leveraging first-party data

Hispanicize Hangout: Teasdale, Campbell & Messianu [WEBINAR ON DEMAND]

Welcome to 2021 and the latest BUSINESS edition of Hispanicize Hangout featuring three all-star guests returning for one very special episode.  Elizabeth Campbell, Senior Director Of Cultural Engagement at McDonald’s Corporation,  Esperanza Teasdale, VP and General Manager of PepsiCo Beverages North America and the always insightful Luis Miguel Messianu, Creative Chairman and CEO of ALMA. 

Linguistics and Identity: Why Translation Without Transcreation Falls Short [PODCAST]

Linguistic anthropology dives into how people use language to create culture, enact different identities, tell stories, and create relationships. But language is continuously changing.

New Guidance on Brand Guidelines

Why gaining a stronger grip on brand identity may actually involve letting go

Network hubs cease to be influential in the presence of low levels of advertising [REPORT]

Attempts to find central “influencers,” “opinion leaders,” “hubs,” “optimal seeds,” or other important people who can hasten or slow diffusion or social contagion has long been a major research question in network science.

COVID-19 Changed the Advertising Playbook. Now What?

Even as the world begins to re-open more permanently, it’s clear that the pandemic will have a lasting impact on consumer behavior and brand-to-consumer engagement.  By Heather Jordan, SVP, Product Management, Ad Intel, Nielsen

5 things defining successful communication in 2021

There’s no doubt 2020 was a remarkable year – in the literal sense rather than the positive. Individuals, businesses, brands, governments and society have been tested like never before, and it is clear that the upheaval we saw early in the year is set to continue well into 2021.

2021 CMO Survey: Market Trends, Growth Insights from Fortune 500 Leaders

Chief Outsiders released the results of their second annual CMO survey on what to expect this year in market trends and company growth.

The Business Case For Keeping In Touch

Why Advertisers Can’t Afford To Stop Advertising

Could Gen Z Be Key to Coming Together and Setting Higher Standards for Brands?


The U.S. is rich in complicated history and diversity. While we may contend with a divisive society, Gen Z, could be key to bringing us together and elevating brand standards at the same time. As the first multicultural majority generation, Gen Zers under 18 are fueling culture plus interpreting and reinventing the American theme—and that is having an impact on Main Street and on Wall Street.  By: Nancy Tellet, CMC Research Chair, Culture Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Council

Client Heads are Front-Line Troops for Agency Transformation — But They Need Better Support

Client Heads endure the daily combat of client-agency relationships. They get no glory for their efforts or sacrifices. They suffer the consequences of scope of work increases, fee reductions, inadequate resources and relationship threats. They hold the line and try to keep things from getting worse. They’re on their own. This is not right — agency transformations depend on Client Head successes in battle. Client Heads are receiving inadequate support from their leaders.

Prediction: The future of CX

Designing great customer experiences is getting easier with the rise of predictive analytics.

A Brand Manager’s Guide to Effective Multicultural Marketing

Consumers are paying more attention than ever to how companies navigate social and racial justice issues and reward brands that align with their values. Getting it right, though, can be a daunting task, even for experienced brand managers.  By Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk- ThinkNow

As CMOs Focus on Business Results, Performance Marketing Gains Momentum

Undoubtedly, this past year has been unusually tough in every aspect of our lives. We have all had to adapt to new and increasingly digital ways to live, work, educate, shop and entertain. Work from home, lockdowns, restrictions and remote education due to COVID-19 hastened the consumer jump in media usage and streaming video.

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