
Limited Play Impacts Behavior.

While David Cameron criticizes the marketing industry for selling teens the concept that happiness lies through excessive consumerism, it is worth taking a closer look at what we are actually allowing to happen to our kids, which may be having a more serious effect on their development, which, in turn, has important repercussions for marketers and product developers.

Porto Rico 1924.

Porto Rico (Puerto Rico) according to the the December 1924 issue of National Geographic was “The Gates of Riches” and the “Colorful Porto Rico”.

New Roots – Must See TV on PBS.

Faces of America, a new look at race and immigration in America!

Last week I tuned into the debut of Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s new PBS series, Faces of America that traces the roots of a dozen Americans in an effort to answer the questions: What made America? What makes us? I have always been a fan of his work, but frankly I was blown away by the way the show! Not only because it highlights the importance of immigration in America without falling into typical clichés but also because it brings to the forefront of our consciousness the real conversation that we all need to have about race in this country.

By Chiqui Cartagena. To view El Blog CLICK above.

Lopez Negrete Hispanic Marketing Education Fund Scholarship looking for candidates.

Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc. is encouraging students to apply for the company’s scholarship fund. The deadline for all students who wish to apply for the Lopez Negrete Hispanic Marketing Education Fund scholarship is March 1, 2010.

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