Business 2008 ‘Excelencia’ Media Planning Awards — Casanova Pendrill wins ‘El Gran Plan’. announced the winners of the 8th Annual Excelencia Media Planning Awards at a luncheon during The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) semi-annual conference in Las Vegas, NV on Wednesday April 1, 2009. presented awards for the best media plans in nine categories as well as the “Gran Plan”.

Lula Olmedo – ‘2008 Media Planning Executive Of The Year’.

Lula Olmedo – VP of Media at Miami based Zubi Advertising was honored by her peers with the “ 2008 Media Planning Executive of the Year” award at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies bi-annual conference in Las Vegas, NV on Wednesday April 1, 2009.

Ray Rodriguez – ‘2008 Media Executive Of The Year’.

Ray Rodriguez – President and Chief Operating Officer of Univision Communications was honored by his peers in receiving the 2008 ‘Media Executive of the Year’ award at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies bi-annual conference in Las Vegas, NV on Wednesday April 1, 2009.

Sharp Growth in Suburban Minority Enrollment yields modest gains in School Diversity.

The student population of America’s suburban public schools has shot up by 3.4 million in the past decade and a half, and virtually all of this increase (99%) has been due to the enrollment of new Latino, black and Asian students, according to an analysis of public school data by the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center.

Siboney oldie but goodie from the 80’s at a 5 De Mayo event.

Attached is a Siboney oldie but goodie from the 80’s at a 5 De Mayo event I think in Los Angeles. Very-very good times with wonderful people & professionals.

Vintage Lola Beltran.

Lola Beltran performing at the Inaugural Fiesta Broadway, 1990.

Fabulous Times at The Bravo Group.

A “vintage” picture of t The Bravo Group. This was taken at the Turnberry Isle Resort in the very early ‘90’s, probably 1992 or early 1993 for then AT&T landline. It was a shoot which involved 3 different commercials with Cristina Saralegui, who was the AT&T spokesperson for AT&T for many years.

Pepsi shoot in 1980.

Here’s one of our shoots from the 80’s.

Economic Mobility and the American Dream.

Since our nation’s founding, the promise of economic opportunity has been a central component of the American Dream. And while the Dream remains a unifying tenet for an increasingly diverse society, it may be showing signs of wear. Growing income inequality and slower economic growth suggest that now is an important moment to review the facts about opportunity and mobility in America and to attempt to answer the basic question: Is the American Dream alive and well?

Casanova Pendrill in 1987.

The attached Adweek article dated August 17, 1987, details the exponential growth of the Casanova Pendrill.


Siboney way back then …..

Siboney USA has a vintage reel of Jose Manuel Cubas the CEO of the agency in 1970’s addressing the expansion of Siboney as an advertising agency. Additionally, highlights about the different countries the agency opened offices and some TV spots from Cuba dating back to the 1950’s.


Majority/Near-Majority of First Graders in Top Ten U.S. Cities are Latino.

Latino children now constitute a majority or near majority of first graders in nine of the nation’s largest cities, according to analysis conducted by the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) at the University of Southern California. In cities such as Los Angeles and Dallas, the percentage of Hispanic first graders is even higher – three out of four first graders in these school districts are Latino (see Table). In 2020, this demographic wave of Latino first graders will graduate from high school and enter collegiate education or the labor market.

Can you recognize some of these Industry Pros?

Enjoy some Vintage photos from our Industry.

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