
NYU Offers Multicultural Marketing Class.

New York University’s (NYU) Center For Marketing will offer a multicultural marketing class entitled “Marketing to the New Majority: How to Reach the Multicultural Consumer,” in an intensive 1 ½ day format on Friday, April 16, 2004.

Target Stores, Mervyn’s & HP Bring Chicano To San Diego.

Chicano, an unprecedented art exhibition, presented by Target Stores and Mervyn’s, sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Company will make its first visit to the Golden State at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD) in San Diego, Calif., on May 30, 2004. Chicano is a five-year, 15-city national tour that is collectively made up of two major exhibits:
Chicano Visions: American Painters on the Verge, a traditional art exhibit, and Chicano Now: American Expressions, an interactive multimedia exhibit for families. Chicano will remain on display at MCASD through September 12, 2004.

Latinos Are Optimistic About Schools & Education.

Hispanics support the use of standardized testing and are less likely than African Americans to say such tests are biased against non-white students, according to a new comprehensive survey of Latino attitudes toward education. In general, Latinos offer positive views of their local schools, teachers and educational institutions, and Latino parents say they are active in their child’s school and involved in their education. But the survey also reveals their concerns that the educational system does not always treat Latino students fairly. Substantial numbers of Latinos, for example, worry that Hispanic students lag behind other children because teachers are unable to bridge the cultural divides in their classrooms, according to the survey released by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation. Celebrates 5 Years Of Service To Our Industry.

Hispanic Media Sales Inc. celebrated five years of publishing on February 1, 2004. “We at Hispanic Media Sales, Inc. would like to thank all of our friends that help motivate us and make our dream come true”, stated Gene Bryan CEO of “I also would like to personally thank Manny Ballestero for his mentorship, his words of wisdom, direction and fatherly love”.

Gracias Manny!

Faura’s ‘The Whole Enchilada’ Hispanic Ad Book.

The Whole Enchilada is a practical guide to selling to the US Hispanic market. It is a no nonsense and real description of the Hispanic population in the United States. As a primer it gives the reader practical advice on what to do in order to gain Hispanic customers.

Latino Life Experience Exhibit.

“Americanos: Latino Life in the United States,” will open at the de Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University on Jan. 17, 2004 and remain on view through March 14.

The exhibit presents an intimate portrait of the Latino community through the work of 30 prize-winning photographers. The 114 photographs in the exhibition are organized around themes such as family, community, work, and sports, and reflect the breadth and variety of the Latino experience.

El Poder de Saber @ Telemundo.

Telemundo announced it will launch “El Poder de Saber”, a PSA campaign that encourages Hispanics to learn more and get informed about issues that can help them in their daily lives. “El Poder de Saber” was created for Spanish-language viewers as a sister campaign to NBC’s Emmy and Peabody Award winning campaign “The More you Know” and it will launch January 14, 2004 during Telemundo’s broadcast of “Al Rojo Vivo”.

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