
Gen Y comes into Focus.

Buying power, income on the rise

Call them Generation Y, millennials or whatever you choose. Just don’t ignore them.

Consumers want your E-Mail.

Postal mail still gets results, too

Text and instant messaging are fine for friends, but not for marketers.

That was the main finding of ExactTarget’s “2008 Channel Preference Survey.”

Who Blogs Now?

Looking at blogger demographics

Blogging has gone mainstream. What was once a quirky hobby based on sharing intimate details with the world has morphed into something used by major corporations and media outlets.

USC Annenberg School for Communication – 2008 Digital Future Projecy.

Are Americans becoming more concerned about the role the Internet plays in children’s lives?

The 2008 Digital Future Project has identified several sobering trends in views about going online — in particular in adults’ opinions about Internet use by children.

Writing, Technology & Teens.

Teens write a lot, but they do not think of their emails, instant and text messages as writing. This disconnect matters because teens believe good writing is an essential skill for success and that more writing instruction at school would help them.

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