
Online Advertising Handbook with 2008 Benchmarks.

This handbook is the most comprehensive of its type out there. The focus is to offer strategies and tactics that will help your advertising results improve.

Ads and User-Generated Content.

Despite the massive size and projected growth of the user-generated content (UGC) movement, advertising revenues alongside this content will remain relatively modest.

Can User-Generated Content Generate Revenue?

“Show me the money!”

The user-generated content movement is no longer a fad.

A second look at Virtual Worlds.

It’s all about engagement.

At the recent Virtual Worlds Conference held in New York, a keynote speaker asked the crowd of a few hundred for a show of hands. About a third of the attendees represented kids’ brands, a third were with virtual world companies and a third were vendors of software and other technology.

Mobile Searchers hunt for downloads.

Looking for (hopefully free) phone content.

Google built its brand by figuring out what Internet searchers wanted. The race to do the same for mobile users is on, and since the potential mobile audience is even bigger than that for online search, the rewards for the winner promise to be high.

Online Video: A Changing Picture.

Coming soon to a screen near you: Convergence.

The term “convergence” may sound retro, a notion tossed around in the 1990s that never really came to pass. But don’t be fooled.

Influential Hispanic Consumers spend 30 hours per week sharing views Online.

The most influential Hispanic consumers use the Internet to share their views about products and brands as well as to connect with friends and family, according to a study released by Burson-Marsteller.

Inbox Management tips.

The Email Experience Council (eec), the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) email marketing arm, announced the release of seven inbox management tips to help people reduce emailbox congestion and frustration.

Now US Is Online, And How!

Nobody argues. Almost everybody is online. But what are they all doing?

Internet usage is becoming a daily habit in the US.

FEMMA GEEKS take charge.

More women stream TV shows from network TV sites than men— 15% American online women did so last month compared to 11% of men. Moms with kids under the age of six and English-speaking Hispanic women were the most active women’s segments with 19% and 21% streaming, respectively.

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