
Blogs’ influence on traditional news coverage.

A survey of U.S. journalists by Brodeur, a unit of Omnicom Group, suggests that blogs are not only having an impact on the speed and availability of news, but also influence the tone and editorial direction of reporting.

Teen content creators.

Some 93% of teens use the internet, and more of them than ever are treating it as a venue for social interaction — a place where they can share creations, tell stories, and interact with others.

Will Online ad growth continue in 2008?

Yes, but the economy could impact advertising.

JP Morgan’s latest research brief predicts that holdings in US Internet companies will outperform the overall stock market in 2008. This is despite the firm’s expectation of slightly slower revenue growth for the online sector.

Digital Footprints: online identity management and search in the age of transparency.

Internet users are becoming more aware of their digital footprint; 47% have searched for information about themselves online, up from just 22% five years ago. However, few monitor their online presence with great regularity. Just 3% of self-searchers report that they make a regular habit of it and 74% have checked up on their digital footprints only once or twice.

Demand for Digital Skyrockets – Census.

Factory sales of MP3 players will rise from $424 million in 2003 to nearly $6 billion in 2007, according to projected sales. Additionally, sales of digital television sets and monitors for the same period are estimated to increase from $8.7 billion to $26.3 billion.

Batanga reaches Unique Users milestone.

Batanga announced that they have surpassed 3.4 million unique users per month as of November 2007.

Internet use at Work keeps climbing.

Clock in. Login. Logout. Clock out.

All that Internet time at work is adding up.

The average US Internet user now clocks about a full workday online every week, according to the USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future. At 7.8 hours per week, that amounts to about 31 hours in a four-week month.

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