
Nokia predicts 25% of entertainment by 2012 will be created and consumed within peer communities.

p to a quarter of the entertainment consumed by people in five years time will have been created, edited and shared within their peer circle rather than coming out of traditional media groups. This phenomenon, dubbed ‘Circular Entertainment’, has been identified by Nokia as a result of a global study into the future of entertainment.

Borja Perez named Alliance Leader of Yahoo! Telemundo.

Telemundo announced the appointment of Borja Perez to the new role of Yahoo! Telemundo Alliance Leader, in addition to his current post as Vice President, Market Development, Digital Media for Telemundo.

Busting out of the Inbox – 5 new rules of 1to1 Email Marketing.

Fact: 90% of internet users and over 56% of Americans use email on a regular basis.

Are your messages relevant, delivered, opened and acted upon? This whitepaper details five new 1 to 1 rules of email marketing and covers the trends, strategies and tactics marketers need to know.

Online Consumer-Generated Reviews have significant impact on Offline Purchase Behavior.

comScore, Inc. announced the results of a new study conducted with The Kelsey Group that examined the impact of consumer-generated reviews on the price consumers were willing to pay for a service delivered offline.

Adults E-Mail – Teens IM.

Some things are better said at a distance.

Nearly half of teens ages 13 to 18 use instant messaging, according to an AP-AOL study conducted by Knowledge Networks.

Winning in a Web 2.0 World: metrics-driven success.

Web 2.0 represents yet another major technological evolution of the Web. A defining characteristic of Web 2.0 is your consumer engagement over a longer period of time. Your visitors have more control over their experience, they contribute content, and they influence others.

Why we don’t know enough about Broadband in the U.S.

Half of all Americans now have broadband at home, according to the Pew Internet Project’s September 2007 survey, marking the first time that as many as 50% of respondents say they have high-speed internet connections at home. This milestone in broadband adoption occurs at a time of close scrutiny of the data gathered by government agencies on broadband deployment. This article puts the rate of home broadband adoption in historical context before discussing in detail the issues surrounding broadband data collection and current legislation that seeks to make improvements.

What’s ‘Online Marketing’ in Spanish?

Whichever way you say it, “big” or “grande,” Hispanic users online represent a target marketers want to reach.

eMarketer estimates that there are 18.8 million Hispanic American Internet users in 2007. That number will grow to nearly 25 million in 2011.

E-Mail ROI High, Response Rates Low.

Next to search, e-mail spend is tiny. But that’s OK.

Spending on direct marketing commercial e-mail in the United States will hit $600 million in 2008, according to the Direct Marketing Association. That number represents an increase of nearly one-quarter over 2007.

2007 Digital Future Report.

The Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School is pleased to present the results of the sixth year of our project, “Surveying the Digital Future.” The six years of longitudinal research comprise an absolutely unique data base that completely captures broadband at home, the wireless Internet, on-line media, user-generated content and, now, social networking.

Benefits of the Internet that Consumers Love.

On the first day of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) workshop on “Online Behavioral Targeting,” the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) indicated that providing relevant marketing materials to consumers online is fueling the unprecedented growth in the Internet.

Austin, Portland, San Francisco and Seattle are the Top Blogging Markets.

Scarborough Research finds that Austin, TX, Portland, OR, San Francisco and Seattle are the top markets for people who read or contributed to blogs.

Fifteen percent of adults in Austin are bloggers, and they are 78 percent more likely than the national average to be in this consumer group. Fourteen percent of Portland adults are bloggers; followed by San Francisco and Seattle, with 13 percent of adults blogging in these cities. Nationally, eight percent of all consumers are bloggers.

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