
US Internet Population Diversifies.

Change is happening within the US Internet population on many levels. The average age of Internet users is rising in tandem with that of the general population, for example, and racial and ethnic characteristics are more closely mirroring those in the offline population.

FCC Broadband Plan details actions for connecting consumers, economy with 21st Century Networks.

The Federal Communications Commission delivered to Congress a National Broadband Plan setting an ambitious agenda for connecting all corners of the nation while transforming the economy and society with the communications network of the future — robust, affordable Internet.

Online Expectations Lost In Translation.

The newest AOL Hispanic CyberStudy includes some great data that has inspired me to share a theory I have about online Hispanics: Most Hispanics expect Hispanic websites to be poor quality and, as result, use the general market version of a site even if Spanish is their preferred language.

Digital Entertainment Revolution.

According to The Digital Entertainment Revolution a digital entertainment revolution is occurring, as consumers take increased control of how they use media and entertainment devices. Consumption of TV, film, music and video games is changing as consumer expectations increase. “On demand” content, interactivity and mobility, Internet social networks and User Generated Content (UGC) are also competing for consumer mindshare as they integrate into the media consumption experience. DOWNLOAD REPORT HERE.

IAB: An Interactive Television Advertising Overview.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced the release of “An Interactive Television Advertising Overview,” the latest in its series of comprehensive Platform Status Reports aimed at educating marketers, agencies and publishers on the state of interactive advertising platforms. DOWNLOAD REPORT HERE.

The 2010 digital marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report.

Experian Marketing Services announced the launch of the latest version of its annual digital benchmark report, updated to reflect consumer behaviors and preferences in 2010. The 2010 digital marketer: Benchmark and trend report is designed to help marketers better connect with consumers as companies worldwide continue to shift to digital channels at a faster pace. DOWNLOAD REPORT HERE.

US Web Usage landscape is Shifting.

With 71% of Americans using the Internet at least monthly in 2010, US Internet users now closely resemble the general population. Over the next five years, that trend will continue. Overall, eMarketer forecasts the number of monthly Internet users in the US will rise to 250.7 million in 2014, up from 221 million in 2010.

Marketers to increase digital budgets by 17% as online channels gain more ground.

Companies will increase their digital marketing budgets by an average of 17% in 2010, according to research published by Econsultancy and ExactTarget.

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