
The 2009 U.S. Digital Year in Review.

comScore, Inc. released The comScore 2009 U.S. Digital Year in Review. The complimentary report recaps key trends in U.S. digital media landscape, including e-commerce, search, online video, online advertising and mobile, with an emphasis on how digital marketers can capitalize on these trends in 2010. Download here.

Despite Spending Increases – Online Marketers Still Flying Blind.

A new Coremetrics study, “The Face of the New Marketer,” finds that while most marketers report a desire to use online data to personalize their marketing efforts and deliver tailored offers to their customers, their current technology use does not support this goal. Furthermore, there is a marked discrepancy between marketers’ need to manage to metrics and their confidence in the accuracy of the data.

Minorities agree on Importance of Web.

According to new findings from a national survey of minority adults, conducted by Brilliant Corners Research and Pollster Cornell Belcher, only 42% of African Americans and Hispanics regularly use the Internet, yet they overwhelmingly agree that Internet access is critical to achieving success.

Legislators of Color urge action on Digital Divide

In conjunction with caucuses representing communities of color from several state legislatures, the Hispanic Institute has released a new report that urges lawmakers at all levels of government to expand access to high-speed internet for all Americans. Download report here.

User Content Creation around the World.

Worldwide data from Trendstream and Lightspeed Research sheds light on the user-generated content activities of Internet users around the world.

In the US, a mature Internet market, managing a social network profile was the top online user-generated content activity, participated in by 44.2% of Web users. This was followed closely by uploading photos. Uploading video, blogging and microblogging were significantly less popular.

Yahoo! En Espanol’s 2009 Year in Review.

Yahoo! En Espanol announced its 2009 Year in Review, which highlights the top searches and trends on Yahoo! En Espanol.

Less than Half of African Americans & Hispanics regularly use the Internet.

Only 42 percent of African Americans and Hispanics regularly use the Internet, yet they overwhelmingly agree that Internet access is critical to achieving success, according to new findings from a national survey of 900 minority adults conducted by Brilliant Corners Research, led by Pollster Cornell Belcher.

IAB launches ‘Privacy Matters’.

To educate consumers and provide them with the resources to help them manage their privacy online, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced the launch of “Privacy Matters,” its first-ever consumer education campaign that will run across a broad cross section of top-tier online media outlets. While the digital media industry has done an extraordinary job of transforming the way consumers experience entertainment and information, it hasn’t been as effective at explaining how it all works to the average person.

The Habits of Heavy Mobile Web Users.

The US mobile Internet population is increasing rapidly. eMarketer estimates that 29.2% of mobile phone users log on to the mobile Web at least once per month in 2009, up from 22.3% last year. And according to BIA/Kelsey and ConStat, many of those qualify as “heavy” users—those who go online via mobile more than 10 times per week.

Consumers free to speak their Mind Online.

Brand marketers know the Internet can be a dangerous place, where they lose control of the message and consumer-created content reigns. That is partly because Internet users now have the ability to create and disseminate blog posts, tweets, reviews and homemade videos around the world. But it is also an effect of the “cyberdisinhibition” the Web provides.

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