
Digital Convergence for US HHs.

The US consumer electronics industry is ready to start growing again in 2010. Following an estimated 7.7% decline in revenues between 2008 and 2009, to $165 billion, the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) forecasts a slight uptick (0.6%) in 2010, to $166 billion in revenues.

Hispanic Online Ad spend stays Positive.

Hispanic ad spending is down in all media but online and out-of-home, according to Myers Publishing.

Engaging Online Video Viewers.

Online video viewership has never been higher, and marketers are eager to reach such a large audience. But many viewers dislike or distrust video advertising—even though they freely accept television commercials.

Online’s Slice of Ad Spending grows Worldwide.

The “Interaction 2009” report predicts 4% growth in US online ad spending in 2009, to $22.77 billion. Growth will ramp up to 7% next year. Worldwide, online spending is expected to climb 9% in 2009, returning to double-digit growth in 2010.

Six Steps to Effectively Market your Brand Online: Make 2009 the year you engage!

Last year, online and offline publications were buzzing about social media and its potential impact on various industries. More than half of interactive marketers surveyed (53 percent) in a new Forrester Research report expected social media budgets to increase as a direct result of the weakened economy.

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