The Hispanic Radio Listener: An Up-Close Look

Harker Bos Group recently fielded a study documenting the consumption habits and voting trends of Hispanic Radio Listeners.  By Adam R Jacobson / Editor of Radio TV Business Report

High Levels of Frustration Over Identity Authentication Turning Consumers Away from Brands

Frustration with cumbersome and repetitive authentication processes are overwhelmingly causing consumers to search for brands and digital experiences that securely unify and simplify identity verification, according to a new report by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and CMO Council, entitled “Authentication Frustration. How Companies Lose Customers in The Digital Age.”

Marketers need to balance brand and response marketing for growth

Marketers are always under pressure to prove the ROI of their campaigns, but the demand for brand growth has only sharpened as companies work to pull themselves out of pandemic-induced strains. Though this demand is more pressing, the question of how to solve it is an age-old one: To grow market share, should brands spend their time on upper-funnel, brand-building efforts or mid- and lower-funnel efforts that will secure quick wins for the business?

When agile marketing breaks the agency model

Marketing leaders are increasingly turning to agile methodologies to help improve the speed and performance of their teams along with the many partners they use for creative, production, and measurement expertise. In our experience, though, the shift to agile is often far from seamless for these constellations of teams. Our recent survey of marketing executives found that only 3 percent characterized their transition to agile marketing with their partners as “smooth,” while more than 80 percent reported the journey to be filled with obstacles.

A New Paradigm for Media Investment Strategy [REPORT]

The digital era of industry change has emphasized the lowest price, automated tactics, and direct response metrics at the expense of strategy. Planning our media investments in order to maximize the outcomes we seek is a lost blend of science and art.

Misaligned Content Erodes The Impact of Hardworking Ads [REPORT]

A critical finding of the study is that misaligned content erodes the impact of hardworking ad creative that had proven strong performance in the standard content. In addition, the study found that brands need to be proactive about how to treat misaligned content to avoid diminishing the effectiveness of otherwise powerful ads.

ANA’s AIMM Teams Up With Nielsen And Media Framework To Launch Minority Owned Media And Provide Understanding Of Investment And Reach

ANA’s Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), Nielsen and Media Framework announced a collaboration aimed at increasing investments in multicultural and inclusive-owned media (African American, Asian, Hispanic, LGBTQ and People with Disabilities) to help brands and agencies measure their investment and impact on multicultural and inclusive-owned media and the communities these represent. 

Beyond Profit Podcast: Why Meaning Matters [PODCAST]

More than 70 percent of the meanings behind words, ideas, and concepts in culture are implied. Decoding those meanings through technology can not only help brands better understand what people are talking about but add value to their products and services and create a feeling of authenticity and purpose.

Navigating cancel culture: A case study [REPORT]

Existing in the time of “cancel culture” can be very tricky for a brand. They tell you to simply do the right thing and you’ll be fine, but “the right thing” varies according to your audience’s beliefs. In this case study, we explore the cancel culture phenomenon and present suggestions to help brands navigate a potential cancellation.

U.S. Advertising Forecast – Fall Update (September 2021): Advertising Recovery in Full Swing

The unprecedented growth in advertising spending in the first half (+32%) was more than low comps due to the COVID lockdown and recession last year. It was caused by a unique combination of national brands reconnecting with consumers and competing for a limited amount of traditional media inventory, while the lasting changes of COVID on lifestyles and marketing methods continue to fuel huge digital advertising spending from both big brands and small businesses. These ongoing organic growth engines, combined with Olympic budgets and the Mid-Term election spending, will continue to generate double-digit spending growth in the second half and into 2022.

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