The US Hispanic Ad Spend. Is it at the correct level?

The Hispanic Marketing Council commission a research piece that helped analyze the 2015 Ad Spend in several key categories targeting US Hispanics.  Only a few companies are close to the point that they deserve recognition for their efforts.  The remainder have been measured and fell short.

100 things a planner should know Account Planning, Strategic Planning Role of the planner [and PODCAST]


Stuck at home I was badgered into writing this by account men keen to capture my knowledge (such as it is) for future generations. One of them – an ambitious and talented young man – suggested a list and I duly complied. It turns out they had a point.  Also their is a podcast by Brief Bros that analyses the listBy Charles ‘Chaz’ Wigley, Chairman of BBH Asia, shares 100 lessons he has learned over his career as an advertising planner.

US Hispanic Ad Industry Turn Around 2021?

It is a unique time in our US Hispanic Advertising, Marketing, Media, Public Relations & Research Industry. Current social conditions, the new found interest by major corporations to entertain important DE&I conversations and the “lack” of US Hispanic focused Executive Voices are molding the current conversations in Business.  Non-Hispanic focused Executives and Marketers are dominating the current discussions about DE&I in Corporate America.  How will this impact the US Hispanic Advertising, Marketing, Media, Public Relations & Research Industry?  Please take part in our one (1) question questionnaire

Association of National Advertisers (ANA) calls for an Unprecedented Industry-Wide 24-Hour Pause for Global Day of Learning

The ANA, through the Global CMO Growth Council in partnership with Cannes LIONS, is calling on the worldwide marketing industry to take a collective pause for a Global Day of Learning. On September 14, 2021, through a series of world-class trainings, workshops, master classes and team building, the industry will reinvest in itself, with the intent of bringing all professionals up to speed on best practices as businesses return to their new normal worldwide.  Registration is FREE.

What Global Ad Spending Tells Us About the Future of Media

Amid the massive disruption that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, a new global media landscape is emerging—and it’s digital. The pandemic is far from over, and we will feel its effects for years to come, but the resilient media industry is bouncing back, with certain constituents pulling out ahead of others.

Repercussion Marketing 2021

Today’s DE&I and Marketing conversations are based quite simply on the exercise that if you do not diversify your workforce, create inclusion, and secure advertising spending against minority consumers in the USA, your will suffer the repercussion of social, economic, and political grievances.

The State of Global Media [Video]

As markets begin to adapt to the disruption that the pandemic has created across the media industry, navigating audiences has never been more critical. Much remains unknown about the future of media, but audiences have made one thing clear: understanding it is more important than ever.

How to Find Your Agency’s Next New Biz Pro

How do you determine which candidates will perform for your agency based on a stack of paper? You can’t. High-quality hires are few and far between, and in recent years, the process of attracting and retaining a new business person has become almost a competitive sport.  By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership

The State of Marketing Budgets 2021 [REPORT]

Marketing budgets as a percentage of revenue have fallen to their lowest level in recent history. Meanwhile, marketing leaders continue to reprioritize channels, programs and resources.

2021 Fortune/Deloitte CEO Survey [REPORT]

In January, CEOs described 2021 as the year of hope. Six months later, the latest results from the Summer 2021 Fortune/Deloitte CEO Survey appear to show that their hope has evolved into bold plans for growth, innovation, digital transformation, and workforce and talent transformation, as well as persistent attention to the climate agenda, continued progress on DEI, and elevated concern for cybersecurity and all things talent.

The Latino Podcast Listener Report 2021 [REPORT]

The Latino Podcast Listener Report 2021 from Edison Research finds that 36% of U.S. Latinos age 18+ (16 million people) have listened to a podcast in the last month, which is a 44% increase over 2020 (25%). This is narrowing the gap with the overall 18+ U.S. population, of whom 40% are monthly podcast listeners. New research shows that this dramatic increase comes from both English-dominant and Spanish-dominant listeners.

2021 Trends & Emerging Growth Pockets [REPORT]

U.S. consumers are resuming active lifestyles as we emerge from the pandemic while maintaining some at-home habits, such as eating more meals at home. While CPG demand has remained elevated in the first half of 2021, IRI expects demand patterns to shift as the reopening economy reignites competition for consumers’ wallets.

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