National Association of Hispanic Journalist backs down from hostile action against members

On April 16, the National Association of Hispanic Journalist (NAHJ) board announced, in a press release posted on, that it had voted to cancel national board elections and extend, for another year, the terms of board members, including those of the president and the rest of the executive board. This move encompassed both elected and appointed board members.

Get on Board: The Latina Impact

With Women’s History Month upon us, there’s no better time to recognize that efforts to increase gender diversity in the boardroom are finally beginning to yield results.

Note to Brands: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

To become more inclusive and LGBTQ+-friendly, brands need to lead with actions rather than just words. Making statements isn’t enough anymore. Instead, culture needs to change from within a brand, not just within its creative copy.  How can this happen?

Attention, Marketers: Actions Speak Loudest

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, consumers have been highly attentive to companies’ concrete actions, especially regarding health protocols, reliability and pricing. When choosing vendors and products, people care about what companies do, not just what they say. Advertising and social media messaging thus should tightly align with the material steps a company takes in the marketplace.

CMC Announces 2020 Culture Account Planning Excellence Award Winners

The Culture Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing (CMC) announced the 2020 Culture Account Planning Excellence (CAPE) award winners, originally created in partnership with Alma took top honors with its Pepsi Campaign, which won Best in Show as well as a Gold award for Best Cultural Insight. LERMA/, MediaCom, Republica Havas, Urias Communications and Wieden + Kennedy also were among the agencies honored.

The Agency of the Future

Agencies and our trade press have been busy opining on what it all means for this or that sector, whilst, one hopes, diligently planning for their own futures. Agencies are due to hit the reset button, but just before they agree to ‘restore factory settings’ it might be an idea to ask whether the old model is any longer fit for purpose.  By Brian Jacobs

Increasing Signs of Improvement, Along with an Uptick in Advertiser Confidence [REPORT]

BOTTOM LINE: While its likely not totally shocking at this point, we think that April increasingly feels like the bottom, and the linearity of the quarter appears to be much better in May, with expectations for continued rebound into June. Our and the Street’s 2Q20 estimates are largely in the range of where the companies indicated they were pacing for the quarter in April/early May, and our expectations are that there is likely upside to revenue numbers of at least 4-7%. We will be waiting to see how June shapes up, as well as color around 2H outlook before refining our estimates, but numbers are likely going higher.

CMO Compensation: Erosion, Stagnation or Elevation in 2020? [REPORT]

Many chief marketers are likely to have a disappointing upcoming year as 84 percent surveyed by the CMO Council say their compensation is tied to business performance improvements in 2020. Not surprisingly, take home pay will likely be less due to the severe economic impact of the global pandemic.

COVID-19’s effect on minority-owned small businesses in the United States

Whether by necessity or ingenuity, minority-owned small businesses may be giving us an early sign of how US businesses will adapt in the wake of COVID-19. These businesses are experimenting with new ways of working to ensure their employees’ safety, offering monetary relief to employees and community members, and introducing new services such as free delivery to those who need it.

As Millennials Near 40, They’re Approaching Family Life Differently Than Previous Generations [REPORT]

As Millennials reach a new stage of life – the oldest among them will turn 39 this year – a clearer picture of how members of this generation are establishing their own families is coming into view. Previous research highlights not only the sheer size of the Millennial generation, which now surpasses Baby Boomers as the largest, but also its racial and ethnic diversity and high rates of educational attainment. This research also notes that Millennials have been slower than previous generations to establish their own households.

Record drop in consumer spending

Consumer spending tumbled a record 16.4% in April as #COVID19 continues to impact the U.S. economy. KPMG Senior Economist Ken Kim breaks down today’s record decline and whether there are signs that perhaps April be the trough in consumer spending.

2020 State of Media Sales: COVID-19 [REPORTS & WEBINR]

As 2019 was a great year for media sales, many sales managers were expecting similar revenue growth in 2020, not including political ad estimates. And then coronavirus arrived. Over the past two months, revenue has dramatic hit. Many sales managers are expecting to see up to a 50% drop in revenue.  In this COVID-19 Special Report media sales managers share their thought about the current state of media sales. And it’s not all doom and gloom! Many are optimistic about the economic recovery awaiting the country in coming months.

What will advertising look like in 2030?

At Kantar we’ve spent much of the last few weeks thinking about the here and now, supporting our clients on immediate marketing strategies and planning for the next few months. But it’s now more important than ever to look further ahead; and for media and advertising, to imagine what scenarios the future might hold.  by Jane Ostler – Global Head of Media, Insights / Kantar

The Television Upfront: For Media Practitioners [REPORT]

The ANA Media Advisory Board has been meeting with CMOs, agency partners, media sellers, and independent consultants. Our focus has been broadly on media transformation and reform. More specifically, we have gathered to discuss the television upfront.

Become the Brand that People Remember: How to Increase Share of Market in Uncertain Times

Unprecedented times like these bring massive challenges. Yet even during a crisis like the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, businesses need to consider strategic plans and continue to invest in their brands. While sales may be down, it’s important to maintain—or increase—your share of the market. Continuing to invest in advertising will help set your company up for success when life eventually settles into a new normal.

The Power of Supplier Diversity [REPORT]

A large majority (75 percent) of ANA members have strategic plans in place to hire suppliers with diverse backgrounds for their overall organizations, but only 40 percent have such strategies specifically for marketing and advertising services.  Those are two of the key findings in a new ANA study, “The Power of Supplier Diversity,” which also revealed that among those with a supplier diversity strategy, the top segments targeted are women-owned (98 percent), ethnic/minority-owned (95 percent), veteran-owned (90 percent), LGBTQ-owned (88 percent), and disability-owned (80 percent).

State of Hispanic Healthcare [REPORT]

H Code released The Hispanic Healthcare Report, the first resource exclusively revealing Hispanic preferences and attitudes towards the current state of healthcare in light of the COVID-19 outbreak and 2020 U.S. presidential election cycle.

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