2021 Survey of Local Ad Agencies

Local Ad Agencies face stiff competition these days. Digital agencies are sprouting everywhere. On top of that, media companies have also meandered into the marketing services field, creating their own agencies.

The Internet and the Pandemic [REPORT]

90% of Americans say the internet has been essential or important to them, many made video calls and 40% used technology in new ways. But while tech was a lifeline for some, others faced struggles

Beyond Double Jeopardy: the missing dimensions of brand building

In marketing, Double Jeopardy refers to the relationship between brand size and repeat purchase, whereby penetration and repeat purchase rates are correlated. The bigger the brand is, the more repeat purchasers it will have, which puts small brands at a double disadvantage. But just knowing this fact does not tell you why the pattern exists or why it is so prevalent.  By Nigel Hollis

American perceptions of economic opportunity [INTERACTIVE REPORT]

Explore Americans’ perceptions of present and future economic opportunity with the Economic Opportunity Index1. The index captures respondents’ sentiments about their own prospects and the country’s as a whole on a scale from most pessimistic (-5) to most optimistic (+5) and represents the average score by demographic group.

This can be marketing’s time and here’s how

You have all read the reports and opinions. You might even think it yourself. Since the start of the pandemic, I have heard and read what has almost became a mantra – ‘this is marketing’s time!’

Capability gaps creating significant challenges for large advertisers

The Capability Gap found that the role of media leadership is expanding. New responsibilities are being included within the remit, with a growing focus on brand safety but also the ethical dimension of media investment. More than simply being tasked with placing investments that deliver a positive ROI for the brand, media leaders now also need to consider whether these are the right choices for the environment, consumers and society at large.

Find the story in the noise: comms professionals seek insights from data [REPORT]

Is data overload actively inhibiting insight and making it harder for comms professionals to find the story in the noise? Our recent study, ‘Five crucial steps to a smarter communications strategy,’ seeks to answer this and other questions… and unveils the vital strategies that empower brands to manage their reputations successfully.

Revealed: the top-ranking media channels and brands in 2021

After the severe decline in media investment in 2020, the ad industry has been encouraged by a rapid recovery in 2021, with advertising being used as one of the levers to fuel recovery. As consumer behaviour continues to evolve, and we emerge into a new media landscape, brands need to understand which consumer and marketer attitudes have changed, and which have stayed the same. Which media brands have retained their appeal, and which have grown stronger?

MRC to suspend Nielsen accreditation

The Media Rating Council (MRC) announced that the MRC Board of Directors has voted in favor of the following actions:•To suspend the MRC accreditation of Nielsen’s National Television service.•

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