
Why the agency selection process is broken – and how to fix it

Something is rotten in the state of advertiser-agency relationships – indeed, several things are rotten – and this is manifested most clearly in the broken agency selection process. Reviewing prospective agency partners is now too onerous, costly, and time-consuming on both sides. Selection criteria are dominated by costs saved rather than value delivered. In many cases, there’s been an erosion in trust between advertisers and their agency partners.

2/3 of Global Marketers lack confidence in their DATA

To spot sudden, disruptive changes in customer and market behavior, modern marketers need high-velocity data marketing, according to a new report by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and GfK. These data systems need to be agile and adaptable with the ability to acquire real-time, relevant data signals and close the gap between data, insights and action.

Traditional Advertising is Alive and Well

“Digital marketing is the future.” Whoever the first person was to make that statement wasn’t wrong.

What Can Hollywood Teach Marketers About The Importance of Diversity?

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) has been telling advertisers that diversity and inclusion will lead to brand growth. The ANA’s Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM) has developed new research tools that have proven that inclusive content makes advertising three times more effective. Unfortunately, not everyone has gotten the message yet. But what about America’s pastime– MOVIES. What can we learn about consumers through an analysis of how movies perform? Nobody is forced to watch a movie, right? So, it stands to reason that people will prefer movies that resonate with them.  By Roberto Orci

Underspending in 50% of Media Plans Jeopardizing Maximum ROI [REPORT]

According to the report, about half of marketers are not spending enough in a channel to get maximum ROI. While a poor ROI might cause brands to pull back on spending, Nielsen found that spend often needs to be higher to break through and drive returns. Nielsen's "50-50-50 Gap" states that while 50% of media plans are underinvested by a median of 50%, ROI can be improved 50% with the ideal budget.

Living up to a brand promise

It’s no secret that brands have shifted their efforts to create personalized messages and offerings to earn consumers’ attention and wallets. However, personalization tactics alone won’t be enough to foster more meaningful, long-term relationships with their customers.

2021 Hispanic Market Overview Report- DOWNLOAD for FREE in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to announce the availability of the 2021 Hispanic Market Overview - titled “Achieving New Heights”

Reimagining the C-suite

Spring this year brought a flurry of thought-provoking senior executive-level hires in the retail industry. Some appeared to be primarily shrewd marketing and influencer-gathering moves — the appointment of Kim Kardashian as chief taste consultant by Beyond Meat, or Hilary Duff as chief mom officer of Carter’s. Others look like early bets on a still-unknown future; both Crate and Barrel and Disney, for example, have recently appointed senior vice presidents of the metaverse.

ANA, WARC & LIONS announce long-term partnership to create a US and Global business practice to “Crack the Code of Creative Effectiveness”

The ANA, WARC, and LIONS have announced a unique long-term research partnership to create a global framework that guides and supports brands in ‘Cracking the Code of Creative Effectiveness’. The initial goal of this project is to address both the culture of effectiveness within organizations as well as the elements of campaign effectiveness. Other fundamentals of effectiveness, aligned with the ANA Global Growth agenda’s Brand, Creativity & Media pillar, will be incorporated into the creation of the roadmap and foundation for the practice.

State of B2C Conversational Marketing [REPORT]

The report surveyed 400 B2C marketers across the globe about their experiences and approaches to better understand how marketing teams in general are using conversational marketing. The report dives into how B2C marketers are finding success, improving metrics, the particular channels they're finding more effective, and more.

What are the most valuable global brands in 2022?

The combined value of the world’s Top 100 most valuable brands has increased by 23% to $8.7 trillion over the past year, highlighting the importance of brand strength in navigating an unsettled global economy.

Performative Gestures in Multicultural Marketing

At some point, we need to demonstrate that the “Performative Gestures” by many advertisers and their media buying agencies have merit and contribute to the overall growth of advertising and marketing to Multicultural Consumers.

Advertising that celebrates diversity is more likely to drive long-term business effects for brands [REPORT]

System1 released the findings from Feeling Seen USA, a comprehensive report examining diversity and inclusion in advertising. The report revealed that ads that successfully leverage emotional stories with diverse characters can contribute significantly more market share growth than the average U.S. ad

Recession looms. Marketers, you know what you should do, right?

Let me put this as simply as I can. Recession is not a one-size-fits-all event. How brands, sectors, and countries fare varies. If you brand is in decent shape, stay the course. If not, it is time to consider alternative strategies. And if you want a more detailed refresher than this, read on.  By Nigel Hollis

What Agencies Need to Know As We Face Economic Headwinds

What should agencies keep in mind amid inflation, rising interest rates, and uncertainty about the future? Here’s what’s going on in Adland and how you can prepare.

This Year Next Year: 2022 Global Mid-Year Forecast

Many sectors are seeing significant growth in advertising revenue, yet there are fears of recession. E-commerce is finding its place in a world where in-person activities are resuming, all while pandemic-related lockdowns in China and supply chain bottlenecks from there and war-torn Ukraine contributed to a drag on growth in the first half of 2022.

Do you need to review your incumbent agency? If so – don’t launch a pitch

This post is by TrinityP3 Business Director, David Angell. David has extensive commercial and media experience gained most recently as the Regional Chief Operating Officer at Havas Group and through an almost twenty-year career in media agencies, which he uses to help drive optimal results for TrinityP3 clients.  Do you know what I love? I love being able to recommend to a client that a pitch is not the answer.

The inflation outlook

US inflation is at its highest point in nearly 40 years. Here are scenarios for how inflation might evolve in the next three years and actions your organization can take to be resilient in each.

Your Digital Marketing Isn’t Reaching Hispanics

Since the dawn of digital, those of us in multicultural marketing have watched general market agencies take over budgets once aligned to specific target markets, such as Hispanic, only to be put in the ubiquitous bucket called “total market approach”. If you are one of these marketers let me point out a few observations of why it’s not working.  By Karla Fernandez Parker

Smart Spending at Speed [REPORT]

How to Turn Procurement Into Your (Not So) Secret Growth Engine

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