
Global Ad Spend Forecasts January 2022 [REPORT]

Advertising investment is forecast to grow by 9.2% globally in 2022, according to the latest dentsu Global Ad Spend Forecast report. The twice-yearly report which combines data from over 50 markets globally, anticipates US$745 billion will be spent globally.

Chasm in Client / Agency Relations

More than 90 percent of senior marketers believe training resources for successful agency management are inadequate and that more comprehensive training is needed, according to a study by the ANA’s Marketing Training & Development Center.

Multicultural marketing: Lessons from the past in predicting the future

  Writings on multicultural marketing penned since the turn of the century reveal several trends borne from current events. In the early aughts, authors cited an unbridled optimism promising a future celebrating the potentialities of multiculturalism (Burton, 2002; Garcia, 2004). In this spirit, those who were once seen as commodities in the American dream were increasingly seen as valuable contributors to it, introducing new foods, clothing, and arts, and increasingly viewed as a potent economic force in their own right (Williams-Sanchez, 2021). Companies responded with total market approaches, though the promise of integrating diverse segments into the totality of marketing efforts, was never fully realized (Morse, 2021). Worse still, the multicultural ethos triggered a backlash from those seeking to retain white hegemony (Morse, 2018; Ulver & Laurell, 2020)..  By Amy Huber, Doctoral Student - Florida State University, School of Communication

Fun While It Lasted: Ad Industry Approaches a Reckoning

The ad industry, which so admirably mastered the technical complexities of digital and social media, is threatened by its deteriorating business economics. The business model is broken. Marketing executives (CMOs and Indirect Procurement) and agency CEOs need to radically redesign how they do business with one another.

The rise of commerce media

Commerce media is transforming advertising by using data to close the transaction loop.

Multicultural Marketing Investments Expected To Grow In 2022

As we start a new year, there's a sense of optimism regarding the expectations around multicultural marketing investments. Before the holiday break, I connected with a few industry leaders representing different segments and discussed the trends for 2022.  By Isaac Mizrahi - Co-President of ALMA

Performance media and marketing: An expanding playground for brands [REPORT]

While performance media will be unlikely to influence a major purchase decision on its own, it works incredibly well for short-term impulse purchases – and brands can leverage these moments to build long-term brand value.

Direct Mail Still Leads in ROI by a Wide Margin

When it comes to direct marketing media strategies, email remains king among advertisers while social media is gaining ground and running a close second, according to a new ANA study.

Micro Cultural Insights Yield Hyper Engaged Audiences, Higher Conversion Rates [PODCAST]

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Marissa Nance, Founder and CEO of Native Tongue Communications, discusses how micro-cultural insights can help marketers use empathy to improve marketing performance.

A comprehensive guide to brand equity and growth [REPORT]

Brand equity is one of your business’s most valuable assets. Our many studies have proven that the stronger the brand, the more superior the shareholder returns, and the greater the contribution to a business’s cash flow.

C-Suite Outlook 2022: Reset and Reimagine [REPORT]

Inflation concerns are skyrocketing. Labor shortages are driving talent retention and recruitment to the top of the CEO agenda in 2022. How do CEOs plan to seize the opportunities?

5 keys to a successful digital marketing transformation [REPORT]

Today’s consumers demand omnichannel sophistication and personalized brand experiences, forcing companies to rethink their approach to demand generation and find better ways to measure marketing effectiveness.

Consumer Demand For Private Brands [REPORT]

Historically, consumers have navigated to store brands, also referred to as private brand or private label products, during challenging economic times. Current inflation and economic uncertainty would indicate that growth of private brands should be outpacing that of name brand products, but that’s not the case.

Become a World-Class CMO [CHECKLIST]

As a new CMO, you are expected to be well organized, strategic and decisive — focused on business outcomes. Think of your first 100 days as the springboard from which you develop and execute your long-term vision.

Marketing Predictions 2022: Forging New Connections [eBOOK]

What does the future of marketing look like? CMOs face a perfect storm of budget cuts, operational disruption and social unrest. The ability to build new, vital connections with customers, employees and business partners is central to thriving across a range of unpredictable scenarios.

Time to get serious in 2022 ……..

A couple of questions came to mind regarding some key issues for US Hispanic & Multicultural advertising, marketing, media, public relations and research industry:

The 5 Biggest Threats To Agency New Business In 2022

The past couple of years have been a wild ride. However, even amid lingering concerns about Omicron and economic uncertainties, there’s a sense that the worst is behind us as we enter 2022.  by Mark Duval - The Duval Partnership

Sales and Marketing Alignment Fundamentals for Revenue Growth

As the process of buying and selling evolves, customer-facing roles change along with it. Sales and marketing teams have traditionally operated in silos, resulting in tension and preventing each team from fully executing their jobs.

Reversing the decline in advertising effectiveness

Advertising has always battled for attention. But what if there were more than one type of attention? And what should we be doing as advertisers to capture it today?

12 predictions for 2022

From creativity to platform regulation, ‘Metamania’ to the golden ‘square’ of marketing, the WFA team share their predictions for the marketing industry in 2022.

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