
Today’s Hottest Films Prove to Be Culturally Relevant with Multicultural Audiences, Yet Still Fail to Be Recognized by the Academy Awards

ANA's AIMM (Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing) released their first ever Oscar's Inclusion & Relevancy Report analyzing how the nominated films resonated with traditionally underrepresented audiences.

58% of Hispanic Home Shoppers are Buying Their First Home

A new survey released by in conjunction with The National Association for Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) found that 58% of Hispanic American home shoppers are looking to buy their first home.

AI and Human Enhancement: Americans’ Openness Is Tempered by a Range of Concerns [REPORT]

Developments in artificial intelligence and human enhancement technologies have the potential to remake American society in the coming decades. A new Pew Research Center survey finds that Americans see promise in the ways these technologies could improve daily life and human abilities. Yet public views are also defined by the context of how these technologies would be used, what constraints would be in place and who would stand to benefit – or lose – if these advances become widespread.

Breaking the bias against women’s sport: the impact of equal opportunity for athletes, fans and sponsors

Gender equity in sports still has a long way to go, but research from Nielsen Sports highlights the extent to which fans want change sooner rather than later.

Estimates of Undercount and Overcount in the 2020 Census

Census Bureau released results from two analyses about the quality of the 2020 Census counts. While both showed the strength of the count for the total U.S. population, each analysis revealed that the 2020 Census overcounted or undercounted various demographic groups.

Gen Z: Brands Need To Prioritize DEI And Gender Liberation

For someone who has been working in multicultural marketing for almost two decades, the past few years have been transformative. Diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) and representation in public and private organizations are works in progress. But the momentum is stronger than it’s ever been. The entrepreneur and somewhat skeptic in me, however, wonders if this is just a phase. Will corporate America move on to the next big thing? There are already murmurs that ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) will be the new focus as DEI demand wanes.  By Mario X. Carrasco - ThinkNow

Mindset Matrix – A Framework For the Future of Digital Advertising Without Personal Data

The industry is moving into a new era, one that requires a shift in how advertisers think about reaching and connecting with people in digital environments. Rather than base their targeting efforts off past behaviors - the future of digital advertising will rely on meeting people in the moment and aligning advertisements with someone’s present frame of mind.

Gaming The Metrics: How The “Made For Advertising” Industry Thrives

Every ad-supported media company makes trade-offs between long term revenue and short term revenue. TV and radio shows, mobile games, and webpages can all boost short term revenue by increasing ad loads. But that short term tactic drives away consumers and advertisers, creating headwinds for long term growth. It’s a natural check that balances the competing needs of media companies, marketers, and consumers.

Want to produce great work? Stop treating your advertising agencies like dirt

A really fun thing about working in marketing is that anyone who has ever seen an ad reckons they know how to do your job.

The impact of inflation on retail [PODCAST]

You don’t have to be an economist to notice that the country is experiencing inflation. In January, the inflation rate rose to 7.5 percent, and prices of everything from gas to everyday goods are increasing.

Authentically connecting your brand with Gen Z and Millennials [REPORT]

As the Gen Z audience grows more powerful, how can brands successfully optimize their connection with them... whilst remaining loyal to Millennials?

7 survey design mistakes that hurt the quality of your data

Blunder. Miscalculation. Goof. Whatever verbiage you prefer, a mistake in survey design spells trouble, degrading the accuracy of your data and the subsequent extrapolations that can be made using that information.

Hispanic Audiences Value Local Broadcast TV  [REPORTS]

Among Hispanic adults 18+, television (broadcast & cable) had the highest reach of ad supported platforms, with 70.1% reached in one day. Advertisers can reach the majority of this audience with just broadcast TV, a 69.7% reach. Cable came in at 57.7% and was closely followed by social media (56.0%) and streaming programs on TV with advertising (55.0%).

Three principles from four decades of media practice

Global media expert Ben Jankowski, former SVP Global Media at Mastercard, shares his key learnings from his forty-year career in media as he ends his impressive 11-year tenure at the company and eight years as a global chair of WFA’s Media Forum to start a new consulting venture.

Closing the Digital Divide for Latinx Consumers [PODCAST]

Lili Gangas, Chief Technology Community Officer, Kapor Center and co-founder of LTX Connect discusses ways tech companies and government can close the digital divide in minority communities and create access to equitable education.

Comcast Advertising and VideoAmp Announce Deal to Integrate Comcast Data into VideoAmp’s Cross-Platform Measurement Solution

Comcast Advertising, a division of Comcast, and VideoAmp, a media measurement and optimization software company, announced that VideoAmp will license and incorporate aggregated viewership data from the Comcast footprint into its currency grade measurement.

Fans are changing the game [REPORT]

Change is certainly nothing new, but its impact is seldom as sizable—or accelerated—as what the world has experienced over the past two years. For the sports industry, the return of fans at live events midway through 2021 was cheered by all, yet life has evolved too much during the pandemic for the sports industry to simply snap back to a mirror image of its pre-COVID self.

A relevancy revolution: the importance of Spanish language content

So what does this engagement look like? Latinos today are demanding engaging, fresh, culturally relevant, and nuanced content on trusted platforms that value the unique U.S. Hispanic experience. This is so much more than just serving up “Spanish-language content”. It is our collective demand for meaningful, representative content that delivers a bridge to our culture; serving up a place to feel seen, and be seen in content. Interestingly, it is incredibly difficult to find that special combination outside of the Spanish language ecosystem.  By Stacie deArmas, SVP, Diverse Insights & Initiatives

Accurately Portraying Diverse Women and Girls Delivers Significant Sales Lift for Brands [REPORT]

Across gender, language, race and ethnicity, ads with high gender equality metrics scores overall delivered 60% improved sales performance

Consumer behavior shifts and new experiences are broadening fan engagement

Few industries have been immune to the effects of the global pandemic, but the impact has been particularly notable for global sports. While the return of fans at live events midway through 2021 was cheered by all, behaviors have evolved too much for the sports industry to simply snap back to a mirror image of its pre-COVID self, particularly with respect to how fans engage with sports content.

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