
Fall 2013 Online Hispanic and Multicultural Marketing Courses From Florida State University.

This Fall Florida State University offers the following Hispanic and Multicultural marketing online courses: Hispanic Marketing Communication – Undergraduate, Multicultural Marketing Communication – Undergraduate and Account Planning (with multicultural emphasis) – Graduate

Global Consumer Confidence reported Slow but Steady improvement in Q2, 2013.

Global consumer confidence increased one point to an index of 94 in the second quarter, according to consumer confidence findings from Nielsen. The increase is part of a slow, but steady upward movement in consumer sentiment reported in the first half of the year. Asia-Pacific, North America and Middle East/Africa each reported quarterly increases, with index levels rising to 105, 96 and 91, respectively. Europe’s consumer confidence index has held steady at 71 for three consecutive quarters, and Latin America’s confidence declined one index point in Q2 to 93.

Campbell to launch more than 200 New Products in Fiscal 2014.

Campbell Soup Company expects to launch more than 200 new products in fiscal 2014 as the company strengthens its core businesses and expands into higher-growth spaces, including new consumer segments, categories and geographies, President and Chief Executive Officer Denise Morrison and her management team said at a meeting with investors.

Hispanic Women now account for 1 in 5 Dollars spent on Women’s Fashion Footwear.

The Hispanic consumer is spending more dollars at retailers offering brand names with the fashion footwear styles they want. Channels that focus on brand names and command higher price points, such as department stores, are benefiting from the higher spend and posting stronger growth.

Marketplace Chasm: The Divide between Marketing & Sales.

Marketing people and salespeople don’t like each other very much. Oh sure, to be politically correct, they will pay lip service to the ideal that they’re all part of one big happy family, working for the common good of the company. But deep down, you know what I say to be true. Salespeople don’t trust the sneaky and manipulative ways of marketing people. And marketing people think salespeople are a bunch of type A prima donnas. I know –I’ve heard the backstabbing begin when one or the other leave the room. These are two tribes that are uncomfortable sharing the same teepee.

Game changers: Five opportunities for US growth and renewal. [REPORT]

The US economy is struggling to find a new formula for vigorous growth. But all growth opportunities are not created equal. A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute pinpoints five catalysts—in energy, trade, technology, infrastructure, and talent development—that can quickly create jobs and deliver a substantial boost to GDP by 2020.

Univision makes strategic appointments.

Univision Communications, Inc. announced two key appointments focused on research and analytics. Dan Murphy has been appointed senior vice president, Audience Measurement and Analytics and Kevin King is joining the Company as senior vice president of Digital Research. The announcement was made today by Elizabeth Ellers, EVP, Corporate Research, Univision Communications, Inc.

Next Generation Employers: Retain to Gain.

As employers grapple with an increasingly competitive talent pool, the most innovative companies are redefining their human resources practices to differentiate themselves and rise to the surface in today’s dynamic job market.

Avocados from Mexico hires New Leadership.

Avocados From Mexico (AFM) announced several leadership additions to the new marketing agency. Kathleen Triou, formerly vice president of domestic marketing for the U.S. Potato Board, joins AFM as chief marketing officer, and from the Chilean Avocado Importers Association, Maggie Bezart joins as vice president, trade and promotions, effective immediately.

Global Ad Spend: Latin America and Asian Nations lead the Charge.

Advertising spend continues to rebound globally, though increases slowed in the first quarter of 2013. According to Nielsen’s quarterly Global AdView Pulse report, global advertising grew just 1.9 percent from the first quarter of 2012. Trends fluctuated across the regions, as quarterly spending dropped in Europe, marginally increased in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Asian-Pacific, and remained flat in North America.

The Impact of Digital Tools on Student Writing and How Writing is Taught in Schools. [REPORT]

A survey of teachers who instruct American middle and high school students finds that digital technologies are impacting student writing in myriad ways and there are significant advantages from tech-based learning.

Beating Up on Obamacare? Ka-Ching For Stations!

It may not be the $3 billion or so that TV stations get in ad revenues from political advertising in major election years, but ad revenues surrounding the Affordable Care Act – which becomes law in 2014 — may generate some $500 million in the coming months, according to a survey from Kantar Media.

Gaviria named EVP of Corporate Marketing at Univision.

Univision Communications, Inc. announced the promotion of Ruth Gaviria to the position of executive vice president of Corporate Marketing. The announcement was made today by Kevin Conroy, president of Digital and Enterprise Development at Univision Communications, Inc. who also oversees the Company’s Corporate Marketing and Research functions.

Advertising for ourselves versus the consumer?

By Enrique Turegano / Al Punto I saw an ad on Univision for an SUV…nice ad. But the VO caught me off guard. It was the poem by Antonio Machado and famous song by Juan Manuel Serrat, “Caminante No Hay Camino”. Great song, great poem…but I wonder how much it connects with US Hispanics….mostly US Mexicans. Do they even know it? Is it important to them? Does it connect emotionally like it does for Spaniards and some South Americans? Probably NOT. Here’s my guess:

1) The creative in charge is from Spain.
2) The creative in charge is a JM Serrat fan.


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