The economic state of Latinos in America

Latinos make up 18.4 percent of the US population and 17.3 percent of the US labor force, a share forecast to rise more than 30 percent by 2060. Latinos start more businesses and have higher rates of intergenerational mobility, and their share of skilled and higher-paid occupations has increased in the past decade. As a population, they increasingly embody—in spirit and reality—the American dream that hard work pays off and each successive generation will be better off than the one before.

“Diversity” Voted ANA 2021 Marketing Word Of The Year

Since 2014, the ANA has surveyed its committee members to select the marketing word of the year. In choosing the word, the ANA staff identified a list of 12 final candidates. Members were then asked to cast their votes to determine the winner.

Digital advertising to exceed 60% of global adspend in 2022

The global ad market will continue its recovery from the 2020 downturn with 9.1% growth in 2022, after 15.6% growth in 2021, according to Zenith’s Advertising Expenditure Forecasts report, published today. Global adspend will expand by 5.7% in 2023 and 7.4% in 2024, with brands looking to leverage more social media, online video, advanced TV, and ecommerce channels.

Global Ad Market exceeds Pre-Covid Levels

The global economy has recovered in-line with expectations (GDP +5.9% vs +6.4% expected in April) and, in most markets, so has marketing activity and advertising spending.

What Makes Life Meaningful? Views From 17 Advanced Economies [REPORT]

What do people value in life? How much of what gives people satisfaction in their lives is fundamental and shared across cultures, and how much is unique to a given society? To understand these and other issues, Pew Research Center posed an open-ended question about the meaning of life to nearly 19,000 adults across 17 advanced economies.

Steve Mandala joins Estrella Media as Chief Revenue & Local Media Officer

Estrella Media announced that Steve Mandala, former President, Ad Sales & Marketing for Univision Communications and Executive VP, Cable Entertainment Sales for NBCUniversal, is joining the company as Chief Revenue and Local Media Officer. Mandala starts on December 1 and will be based out of the company’s New York office.

Beyond martech: building trust with consumers and engaging where sentiment is high

Brand advertisers have a lot to consider as they plan their strategies and navigate the increasing fragmentation of platforms and channels that consumers are engaging with. Yet while brands can use data to inform messaging, leverage modern martech to improve targeting and measure engagement to gauge performance, there is one facet of marketing that modern technology can’t help with: consumer trust.

Hispanic Marketing Council Favors Expanding Spanish-Language Radio Options for Orlando’s Latino Community

The issues surrounding the sale of WPYO-FM to SBS by Cox Media Group has made headlines, most recently in HispanicAd and Radio + Television Business Report. As the lead authority on Hispanic Marketing, the Hispanic Marketing Council’s position on this matter is clear:  The HMC supports fair competition, especially when it creates opportunities for diverse voices and minority-owned media. As a top-10 Hispanic market with a growing multicultural majority, Orlando benefits from having more choices in Spanish-language radio. The sale of Cox Media’s FM station to SBS, who has a long trajectory in operating leading radio stations in Puerto Rico and in the US, aligns with FCC’s mission to expand minority-owned media platforms and ultimately benefits Orlando’s thriving Latino community.  We look forward to a timely resolution of this issue soon.

Hispanic Representation in Ad Industry Still Lags Behind Where It Should Be

The ANA/AIMM recently released, “A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry,” examining diversity in client-side marketing departments. The report comes with a significant headline – Finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity!  By Bill Duggan, Group EVP at Association of National Advertisers (ANA)

As supply chain woes intensify, advertisers reallocate, not cut, media dollars

The panic over the impact supply chain snafus are having on how many ad dollars are spent during this quarter is probably overdone.  Not because there won’t be notable cuts; they have already happened and continue to do so, according to the six ad execs interviewed for this article. Rather those dollars won’t be lost for good. They will be spent eventually in the quarter. The hard part for those execs is knowing when.

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