Internet Economy Grew Seven Times Faster Than Total U.S. Economy

A new study commissioned by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and led by a researcher from Harvard Business School, found that the internet economy grew seven times faster than the total U.S. economy during the past four years, and now accounts for 12 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).

WARC, TikTok and Publicis Groupe shows the power of community commerce [REPORT]

TikTok, in partnership with Publicis Groupe and WARC, have released a new study exploring the role social communities play in influencing purchase decisions, outlining the huge potential for brands to engage with audiences and increase unplanned purchases by narrowing the funnel between product discovery and purchase through “community commerce.”

For Half of Americans, seeing produce image motivates purchase

Visual discovery – even when it’s in the form of advertising – drives purchase decisions. Nearly half (49%) of Americans say product images influence their purchases of consumer packaged goods (CPG), while almost three-quarters (74%) say images in search results are very or extremely helpful in determining which products to buy, according to a new consumer sentiment survey commissioned by NCSolutions (NCS).

U.S. consumer confidence at its lowest level in 8 months

Consumer confidence has dropped by 4.2 points over the past seven days to read at 53.6 in this week’s Ipsos-Forbes Advisor U.S. Consumer Confidence Tracker. Sentiment is now exactly on par with the pandemic average and is at its lowest level since February 24, eight months ago.

Nielsen unveils new brand identity

Nielsen unveiled a new brand campaign, including a new identity, reflecting the company’s transformation of its culture and a redefined strategy focused solely on the global future of media. Nielsen’s new look and feel represents a commitment to innovation and the company’s role and purpose of powering a better media future for all people.

CMOs – When It Comes To Multicultural Marketing Effectiveness Eats Efficiency For Breakfast

Over the past months, we have been reading about how advertisers have increased their investment commitment towards minority-owned media companies. While this is a critical movement, missing from the debate is an important discussion around what kind of messages these advertisers are planning to use in these new and more diverse media plans.  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA

On-screen representation is driving Latino TV viewing

Choice has never been more abundant across the media landscape than it is today. The rise in connected TV (CTV) adoption and the growing wealth of streaming platforms continue to entice media-hungry consumers with new and engaging content. Despite the abundant choice, however, many people don’t see enough of themselves reflected in the content they’re being offered.

Is Your Brand Loved?

Catering to audiences’ most ardent passions is at the heart of brand affinity

5 Misperceptions About Agency New Business

We often encounter misperceptions about agency new business in the course of our work. They are persistent — and even dangerous — because they can hold your agency back from achieving its best new business outcomes. Here are five of the most common misperceptions.  By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership

Digital Advertising Ripe for Reinvention to Meet Consumer Expectations [REPORT]

Six months after its first study, PwC and IAB, the digital media and marketing trade association, have partnered again with industry thought leaders across the digital ad-supported ecosystem to discuss key challenges and opportunities facing this industry in a report titled “IAB Outlook: 2022 Digital Ad Ecosystem”.

Changes in Routine = New Opportunities

This time last year, we had a lot more time on our hands. We filled it with activities and hobbies we had long set aside or picked up new ones, like baking sweets. This year it’s a different story with kids returning to school and extracurricular activities and some parents returning to the workplace. Suddenly we have less time, and saving it becomes our goal. Saving time and convenience will be a key motivator in how consumers approach their home product purchases. This need presents a significant opportunity for the home industry to invigorate continued growth.

Sensis acquires PM3

The move combines Sensis’ strategic, research-based approach to marketing with PM3’s creative production resources and consumer-brand experience.

The InFOCUS Podcast: Ana Ceppi, Edelman

In this fresh InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FM, Ana Ceppi, a senior advisor on the U.S. Hispanic market at Edelman, shares how one can easily distinguish DEI from multicultural marketing and what broadcast TV and radio station management and ownership may wish to consider if the goal is connecting brands with all consumers — including key multicultural segments.

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