
3 Things to know about consumer spending

Despite a global pandemic and record inflation, consumers have defied expectations and continued to spend. At NRF 2023: Retail’s Big Show, NRF’s head of research Mark Mathews and Jonathan Silver, CEO and founder of Affinity Solutions, discussed the forces that are propelling consumers to spend.

Most States Had Lower Official Poverty Rates in 2019-2021 Than a Decade Earlier

Most states had lower average official poverty rates in 2019-2021 than a decade earlier, according to recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates released in January, during National Poverty in America Awareness Month.

The testing times continue

Marketing will have to demonstrate value in 2023 as the global economy slows, says WFA President and Mastercard Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Raja Rajamannar.

The 2030 Forecast [REPORT]

Let’s be honest: forecasting is always an iffy proposition, no matter who does it, how much data we analyze, and how many trends we consider. Too many variables can change the trajectory of what might seem a rock-solid conclusion. Both “known unknowns” and “unknown unknowns” pile up as time advances and can turn a forecast into a fool’s errand.

Why is Everyone Talking about Zero-party Data?

Zero-party data refers to information that a company collects from customers through voluntary and explicit means, such as surveys, sign-up forms, or preferences centers. This type of data is particularly valuable for brands as it is provided by the customers themselves, making it more accurate and reliable than third-party data.

Media Comparisons Study 2023

The 2023 Media Comparisons Study, conducted by GfK and commissioned by TVB, continues to be a key industry resource for multimedia usage and effectiveness. This study explores the many different ways individuals consume traditional, digital and streaming media, comparing reach, time spent, daily news sources, most trustworthy news sources and level of community involvement.

The Truth About Modern Familias

“Family” is the cornerstone to unlocking Hispanic culture in marketing. Yet there are very few quantitative studies out there that dissect exactly what family means and how culture is passed down within today’s modern familias.

Hispanics’ Consumer confidence is slightly stronger in 2023

Hispanics in the United States feel more optimistic about their financial situations as they go into 2023. The fourth quarter Hispanic Consumer Sentiment Index (HCSI) is at 85.3, which is 11 points higher compared to the third quarter score of 74.3.

Seven Reasons Why The Hispanic Segment Can Beat The Recession

As a new year starts, we return to our work routine, facing the prospect of a recession. Some believe it will be a mild one, while others are more pessimistic. Nonetheless, most experts believe the country will face an economic slowdown, and consequently, brands may reassess their marketing investments as they will act more cautiously on where to invest their resources in 2023.  By Isaac Mizrah - CEO of Alma Agency

AM/FM Radio Works For Personal Care Brands: New Bar Soap Case Study Reveals Lift In Ad Recall While Creative Test Shows AM/FM Radio Ads Work As Well As TV Ads For A Fraction Of The CPM

AM/FM radio works for personal care brands. In a first of its kind study, in partnership with NCSolutions, the Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® unveiled results from a men’s personal care brand sales effect study.

Brand Building versus Sales Activation: A False Dichotomy?

But why split brand and activation at all? Why not do both at once?  By Les Binet- Group Head of Effectiveness / adam&eveDDB

2023 Media and Entertainment Industry outlook [REPORT]

Streaming video, social media, and gaming are helping to enable new business models and reshaping media and entertainment. But the real story for 2023 is that these three sectors are increasingly becoming more interdependent as part of a broader and richer media and entertainment ecosystem. Successful companies will likely develop strong visions that span these sectors and pull their entire industries forward.

Representative content drives bingeability across streaming platforms

If there’s one thing audiences want when they tune in to watch a program, it’s to see stories and experiences they can relate to. That’s the basic premise of representation, and it can have a direct impact on viewership. It can also fuel an audience’s appetite to watch more content—a critical component to success in an ever-growing landscape of content choice.

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer [REPORT]

The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that business is now viewed as the only global institution to be both competent and ethical. Business now holds a staggering 53-point lead over government in competence and is 30 points ahead on ethics. Its treatment of workers during the pandemic and return to work, along with the swift and decisive action of over 1,000 businesses to exit Russia after its invasion of Ukraine helped fuel a 20-point jump on ethics over the past three years. Business (62 percent) remains the most and only trusted institution globally.

U.S. Discretionary Retail Spending Fell By 2% in 2022

Total unit sales of U.S. discretionary general merchandise in 2022 were 7% lower than the prior year, and sales revenue fell 2%, according to The NPD Group.

Majority of companies expect to increase marketing budgets this year, and print could be a beneficiary

Adapt or die: The study also found that 66% of the average marketing budget is allocated to digital channels, while 68% of marketers have had to change their digital marketing strategies due to changes in social and digital platforms in the last six months.

Environmental ROI drivers: Unlocking insights to lift performance [INSIGHTS]

During times of economic slowdown, optimizing ad spend without sacrificing revenue should be every marketer’s goal. To do that, an understanding of what drives ROI for your target region is needed, but if you’re only focusing on campaign execution, you’re missing half the picture.

Global Digital Out-of-Home Ad Spend Grew at Accelerated 24.9% in 2022, Driven by 36.9% Growth in the US; Poised for Faster Growth in 2023

Global digital out-of-home (DOOH) media spending, including digital place-based networks and digital billboards & signage, grew at an accelerated 24.9% in 2022, driven by a 36.9% surge in the United States, as both global and US DOOH ad spend are poised for strong growth again in 2023, according to new research from leading media economist PQ Media.

Nation’s Urban and Rural Populations Shift Following 2020 Census

Despite the increase in the urban population, urban areas, defined as densely developed residential, commercial, and other nonresidential areas, now account for 80.0% of the U.S. population, down from 80.7% in 2010.

2023 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index

Shifts in the order of product/service category loyalty drivers in nearly all (91%) of the 110 categories with 987 brands tracked have fundamentally changed the face of brand loyalty, radically widening gap between customer desire and brand delivery, according to the 26th annual Customer Loyalty Engagement Index (CLEI), conducted by Brand Keys (, the New York-based brand loyalty and customer engagement research consultancy.

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