
Missed Opportunities: Assessing Latino Turnout in 2014

Across the board voter turnout was down in 2014. In 2010 about 91 million votes were cast and turnout among the voting eligible population was 41.8 percent. Four years later only 81 million peopled voted for a turnout rate of 35.9 percent according to data collected by Professor Michael McDonald. Looking at Democratic losses in states such as Colorado, Florida and Illinois, some observers questioned whether Latino turnout in particular was even lower. While not all 50 states have data available on official validated vote in 2014 yet, most states have now reported vote history and we can assess what happened in the 2014 midterms.  By Matt Barreto

80% of Students use Mobile Technology to Study

Of the different types of learning technologies available, students found that adaptive learning technologies were the most effective, with 85 percent indicating a moderate or major improvement in grades.

12 % of postsecondary institutions known as Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), enrolled 60% of Latino undergraduates

HACU and Excelencia are committed to informing the work being done to address and improve Latino student success in higher education. These two national organizations have coalesced to develop a common list of HSIs in the absence of an official annual list of HSIs released by the federal government. The lists follow a methodology that aligns as closely as possible to the definition of HSIs as established in the Higher Education Act.

More Than Half of All College Graduates Say Recent Grads Will See a Lower Return on Investment from Their Education

More than half of all college graduates (55 percent) say recent graduates will see a lower return on investment (ROI) from their education than college graduates 10 to 15 years ago, according to the 2015 College Degree Investment Survey conducted by Nielsen (formerly Harris Interactive) on behalf of Greenwood Hall Inc.

Smithsonian highlights Hispanic Advertising History

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will acquire objects documenting the development and legacy of Sosa, Bromley, Aguilar & Associates, an advertising agency that became the top billing Latino agency in the industry.

Strategies for Improving Achievement of Young Hispanic Language Learners [REPORT]

In the drive for expanded access to high-quality early education programs, stakeholders need to understand and address the unique learning needs of young Hispanic dual language learners (DLLs), according to a new report from Educational Testing Service (ETS). The report examines the emerging research base on strategies for supporting the learning and development of DLLs in preschool and the early primary grades.

2014 Top Played Jukebox Songs & Artists

TouchTunes, an in-venue interactive entertainment platform in North America, released its annual Year-End Music Charts reporting on the top played songs and artists of 2014.  Based on songs played across its domestic network of over 60,000 jukeboxes, TouchTunes’ Year-End review provides unique insight into the music choices of bar and restaurant patrons regionally and nationwide.

The Party of Nonvoters [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Before the midterm elections, the spotlight understandably is focused on the estimated 40% of voting age adults who are expected to show up at the polls next Tuesday. There has been less attention on the much larger share who most probably will not.

Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014 [REPORT]

Cell phones and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are playing an increasingly prominent role in how voters get political information and follow election news, according to a new national survey by the Pew Research Center.

Latino Voters and the 2014 Midterm Elections [REPORT]

A Record Number of Latinos are Eligible to Vote … But Latinos are a Small Share of Eligible Voters in Key 2014 Races

U.S. Millennials Express Concern about the Economy and the Cost of Education [INSIGHT]

Millennials in the United States – young adults between 18 and 30 years old – express slightly more optimism in their futures and the future of the United States than they did last year, according to a survey released by global telecommunications company Telefónica.

IES & Univision to build online educational offerings

IES and UCI will work with colleges and universities experienced in serving Hispanic students to build new online educational offerings, or expand current efforts.

85% of Political Agencies plan to use Programmatic Buying to Execute Political Ad Buys

Programmatic buying is dominating political ad spending this year as 85% of agencies plan to use programmatic for their media buying efforts. That is a key finding of a recent STRATA political survey of leading advertising agencies representing approximately 75% of total political advertising billings.

How Latinos will matter in the midterm election

Heading into the 2014 elections, much of the conventional wisdom suggests that Latino voters are unlikely to affect outcomes. Most notably, except for Colorado, there are no competitive U.S. Senate races where Latino voters are positioned to be influential.  By David Damore / Latino Decisions

Healthy Aspirations: The Disconnect Between Americans’ Desire for a Healthy Lifestyle and Actual Behavior

Health and wellness is trending. At the start of year, U.S. consumers listed health among their top five concerns for 2014. Concurrently, the popularity of fitness bands, smartphone apps that track health and fresh food sales have all risen dramatically.

Hispanic Millennials and Healthcare [REPORT]

The second wave of the Hispanic Millennial Project focuses on healthcare. It explores attitudes and behaviors associated with health, diet, and exercise, as well as health-related technology, insurance, and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Univision launches “Semana de la Salud”

Univision Communications Inc. announced its second annual “Semana de la Salud” (Health Week), a weeklong multiplatform event under the health umbrella of the Company’s Univision Contigo empowerment initiative.

Dept. of Ed. projects public schools will be ‘majority-minority’ this fall

A milestone is expected to be reached this fall when minorities outnumber whites among the nation’s public school students for the first time, U.S. Department of Education projections show. This is due largely to fast growth in the number of Hispanic and Asian school-age children born in the U.S., according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data.

Pitbull on exclusive SiriusXM Channel

SiriusXM announced it has joined with global music superstar Pitbull to create a channel featuring music by the international pop star as well as his personal musical selections.     

Public school enrollment disparities exist 60 years after historic desegregation ruling

Sixty years ago, the Supreme Court handed down its landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, holding that racial segregation in public schools violated the Constitution. But while schools have become more integrated, in part due to broad demographic trends, white students remain significantly less likely than minorities to attend diverse schools, according to an analysis of U.S. Department of Education data by the Pew Research Center.

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