
La Real Academia Española presentan la Nueva gramática de la lengua española.

La Nueva gramática es la primera gramática académica desde 1931 y ofrece el resultado de once años de trabajo de las veintidós Academias de la Lengua Española, que aquí fijan la norma lingüística para todos los hispanohablantes.

Florida International University announces Hispanic Communication Studies.

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) at Florida International University (FIU) announced it has created a program of Hispanic Communication Studies to address communications trends and issues relevant to the U.S. Hispanic community. The school plans to continue upgrading the program in the future in order to position itself as the premier thought-leadership institute on issues relevant to the U.S. Hispanic community.

Experts discuss Latinos Shaping Census Results & Congressional Reapportionment.

Today Tuesday, November 17th at 12 PM Eastern, experts on immigration and Latino political engagement will discuss a new report from America’s Voice Education Fund showing how Latinos are helping to re-shape the political map.

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