
Hispanic Agencies get your Slingshot Ready.

By Dennis Hernández – N’Contact

Check the article from USA Today on Friday, CLICK HERE.  This is why GM agencies are going after the Hispanic market, it makes perfect new business sense for them, the Hispanic market keeps growing and they have more access to CMOs.

The way the economy is and the constant GM advertising budget cuts, who has the most control over advertising budgets?  A Hispanic agency that handles 8-12% of the client’s advertising budget or a GM agency that handles 85%+? How many times have we seen a Hispanic agency working on a project and all of the sudden the client calls to stop the project because they have to use the funds for a GM project?  Well, GM agencies are no longer asking for an increment to their budget for a special project, they are going after the growing Hispanic market business.  Again, it makes perfect sense for GM agencies.

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